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Discussion Forum - Local Groups - Vermuyden Group turns 30!

Author: Julie Cribb
Posted: Sat 19th Mar 2016, 12:25
Joined: 2010
Local Group: North of Scotland
Congratulations Vermuyden - hope you have a fantastic walking year ahead of you :-)
Author: Aaron Hookway
Posted: Tue 12th Jan 2016, 21:33
Joined: 2012
Local Group: Vermuyden (South Yorks)
A big year for The Vermuyden group in 2016

We turn 30!

As part of our celebrations we have decided to run the other 3 open challenge events as group walks during the year.

The Vermuyden Way
The Bog Dodgers Way
The Doncastrian Way as our annual long walk
The Elsecar Skelter as our summer challenge walk (see events thread)

All 3 group walks and 1 challenge event will have the corresponding badges for sale @ £2.00

All details uploaded to future events pages


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