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Discussion Forum - Events - Red Rose 100

Author: Deirdre Flegg
Posted: Fri 9th Oct 2015, 20:43
Joined: 1993
Local Group: Dorset
Yes, an interesting perspective on things which are familiar to us.

However, rather a lot of mentions of being looked after by grandparent types, and caring silver-haired ladies. Note to self: must make a hair appointment for a good colour early next May...
Author: Michael Childs
Posted: Fri 9th Oct 2015, 9:01
Joined: 1990
Local Group: Dorset
A nice article. Damian obviously enjoyed the event and the LDWA gets a really good write up.
Author: Armorel Young
Posted: Sat 3rd Oct 2015, 20:11
Joined: 1999
Local Group: Sherwood
I really enjoyed Damian's article - thanks for drawing our attention to it.
Author: Julia Warman
Posted: Fri 2nd Oct 2015, 13:36
Joined: 1980
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Fancy a read?

Damian Hall, Outdoor Journalist completed our Red Rose 100 earlier this year, and has produced an article which is now available in the October 2015 edition of Outdoor Fitness Magazine, so if you are passing the newsagents whilst out walking - worth grabbing a copy !


Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Wed 23rd Sep 2015, 21:39
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
Thanks for the write-up, which looks very good.

Great that there were no disqualifications following the second year of brilliantly done (checkee-selected item from a bag of numbered balls - what a great idea) kit checks.

In the two years in which kit checks have been done, have there been discernible drops in entry numbers compared with previous averages ? If so, runners, fast walkers, or the rest ?

Author: Madeleine Watson
Posted: Sun 20th Sep 2015, 21:44
Joined: 2002
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Thanks for the booklet - fond memories came flooding back again!
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Sun 20th Sep 2015, 16:02
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Hi Julia,
my wife Fiona have now received her copy & that's in the correct order.
So another reason to not send me another.
Many thanks
John Pennifold
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Fri 18th Sep 2015, 20:21
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Hi Julia,
no need to bother with another copy. Now I've got the hang of starting at the back and turning the pages forward it is in fact quite readable.
Really, no need to bother.
Many thanks
John Pennifold
Author: Julia Warman
Posted: Fri 18th Sep 2015, 19:01
Joined: 1980
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Hi John

Sorry to hear that your results brochure is back to front ! Can only apologise for this, must have been an error on the printing front. I have some spare copies, so will send you a correct version. Sorry and hope it hasn't caused you too much inconvenience/confusion.


Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Fri 18th Sep 2015, 14:14
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
I have just received my Red Rose 100 Report & Results brochure. Thank you, East Lancs.
I initially found it confusing to read, until I realised that the first page is at the back and the last page is at the front; the whole brochure is back to front.
The only other book I can think of that does this is Wainwright's Pennine Way Guide.
I can't help wondering, is this deliberate or a printer's mistake? Am I missing something here?
Author: Steve Clark
Posted: Sat 25th Jul 2015, 7:25
Joined: 1990
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
Hi all, hope you all are recovered from the 100. The August edition of LANCASHIRE LIFE INCORPORATING THE LAKE DISTRICT is on the shelves now, go to page 86. Ivors scouts should be interested, if you see what I mean.
PS, I had nothing to do with the selection.
Author: John Phillips
Posted: Mon 13th Jul 2015, 9:17
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Yes, we got one on the Marshals walk. We paid the daily rate but as we took longer than 10 minutes to put money in the meter (no change) we were hit with the fine anyway. These type of car parks should be outlawed and replaced by pay on exit machines.
Author: Tim Hughes
Posted: Sun 12th Jul 2015, 23:21
Joined: 1993
Local Group: Marches
Re parking ticket at Whalley: yep, Denise scored one too! It didn't occur to her that she'd need to pay at 7 o'clock on a Saturday evening, sounds like it was a profitable evening for private enterprise fine collectors (mutter mutter).
Author: Rob Shephard
Posted: Sun 5th Jul 2015, 13:42
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Norfolk & Suffolk
Graham/Vikki (& Ben) from the Northants group

Do you have any pictures of me at the finish you could send please?!!!


Author: Andy Carpenter
Posted: Fri 19th Jun 2015, 20:00
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
Hi Dave
My GPS device normally seems ok - don't know why it got so vertically excited on this one! Re horizontal distance, it did a much better job of that, and was virtually spot on with yours.... it came in at 103.2 miles.

UPDATE: I've just been googling this, and there seems to be a "scatter effect" which can happen on altitude-measurements on longer routes (I don't think that this happens if you have a device which can also measure altitude barometrically, but maybe it does on purely signal-based devices like mine). Anyway, I've found a website ( which can apply an altitude-correction to the GPX file (it does this by using data from the "Digital Elevation Model"). This brings the total-ascent back down to about 11,500ft. Still not quite right, but definitely a lot closer, and not at all bad for a total that has been generated by overlaying a GPX-file onto generic altitude-data.
Author: Rob Shephard
Posted: Fri 19th Jun 2015, 18:52
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Norfolk & Suffolk
Hi Steve

Was that yes to a parking ticket?

Just wondering what you will do - I have been reseaching!

Could you contact me at
Author: Madeleine Watson
Posted: Fri 19th Jun 2015, 13:13
Joined: 2002
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Ha ha David - sure you didn't get lost even with your GPS?!
Author: David Findel-Hawkins
Posted: Fri 19th Jun 2015, 9:26
Joined: 1980
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
Andy, I'd get a new GPS if I were you.

I got 12,367ft acsent on marshals event.

I'd be interested in what distance anyone got. I believe the distance was more like 103 miles than 101.
Author: Steve Clark
Posted: Fri 19th Jun 2015, 2:58
Joined: 1990
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
Yep, I got one
Author: Andy Carpenter
Posted: Thu 18th Jun 2015, 23:10
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
Hi all
Can any other 100-finishers who used a GPS-device confirm what they made the total altitude-gain for the Red Rose route? I know it was meant to be around 12000ft, but my device said 16,800ft! I'm aware that GPS-devices aren't always known for their ability to get altitude right, but even so this seems a big discrepancy, so I was just curious as to what total other people's devices had come up with. Cheers!
Author: Rob Shephard
Posted: Thu 18th Jun 2015, 19:58
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Norfolk & Suffolk
Does anyone know any other supporters that received a car park ticket while parking outside the checkpoint 3 in Whalley?!
Author: Ian Sykes
Posted: Thu 18th Jun 2015, 15:23
Joined: 1986
Local Group: East Yorkshire
" Errr oops, I seem to have not got the baggage girls again."

What else is new?
Author: Phil Clarke
Posted: Wed 17th Jun 2015, 18:12
Joined: 1995
Local Group: Marches
Thank you Michael :-)
Author: Michael Headley
Posted: Tue 16th Jun 2015, 21:17
Joined: 2008
Local Group: Kent
Steve's Red Rose 100 photos are here.
Author: Phil Clarke
Posted: Tue 16th Jun 2015, 11:12
Joined: 1995
Local Group: Marches
That's great Steve, whereabouts on the website?
Author: Steve Clark
Posted: Mon 15th Jun 2015, 10:18
Joined: 1990
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
Hi all, my photos of the Red Rose 100 are now on the ldwa website. (All 930 of them). Errr oops, I seem to have not got the baggage girls again. I blame young Tom Congrats to all who finished the walk comisses to those who had to drop out. Steveceexx
Author: David Wainwright
Posted: Sun 7th Jun 2015, 18:46
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
Hi, and I would like to add that my hot dog at CP12 was 5mm smaller than the one my son was given!

Just kidding! I hope the even report doesn't include too much hindsight. That, in my view, would be a shame. If there is any learning I am pretty confident that the organisers will be helpfully passing this onto the Dorset Group anyway. LDWA is a pretty caring bunch like that from my experience!

I thought the food to be fine; if out of 500 entrants you found food that everyone liked I would expect that be as a result of some sort of spell or something......and I noticed no wing of bat etc in my sandwiches!
Author: Peter Jull
Posted: Sat 6th Jun 2015, 12:40
Joined: 2011
Local Group: Kent
“Could do better comments” are important as they allow future organisers to learn and improve. I went through CP1 with more than a third of the field behind me and the volunteers were already worrying about running out of food. Perhaps the empty platters in the Pilkington's video (so good (not just because I was in it 4½ times) it would be churlish to mention a spelling mistake when tips on how the coverage was achieved would be of more use to those wanting to emulate this success) tell a story. But my experience was that I was never left hungry on route like I was in Wales. I trust when the event report is published it will include comments on what would have been done differently with hindsight.
Author: Nick Ham
Posted: Fri 5th Jun 2015, 20:16
Joined: 1998
Local Group: South Manchester
I've finally managed to upload the photos I took during the weekend:
Author: Jeff Stevens
Posted: Wed 3rd Jun 2015, 11:58
Joined: 2014
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Hi there
Been looking at some of the posts about the food and other things. I thought the food was good it got me round the staff were brilliant at all the stops also to plan an event like this with no incidents getting the majority round i think is exceptional well done lancashire .You should be proud well done.
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Tue 2nd Jun 2015, 18:05
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
To make it easier to click Simon's links, I have activated them here for you.
I too am interested in watching other people's videos but unless they publicise them they'll never be seen. Thanks for the links Simon.
"John Pennifold's videos are indeed a fine and valuable record of what we walk through on LDWA events. My wife thinks if very disturbing that I have watched several of them, all the way through. For the record, it's here:

However, I've seen no mention on this forum of the excellent video posted by Clare Pilkington. It shows the other important aspect of a hundred: the people who do it and make it happen. I think it must capture every single walker, as well as some of the scenery. It's here:

And here's my own, six-minute film - a very personal account, heavily featuring Robert Barclay. I carried a rose in memory of my student, Tahlia, who died in April after a lung transplant.
YouTube's image stabilisation seems to come and go: if it's stable, then the punishment is lots of crass, ghastly, unnecessary "moves" that I find absolutely infuriating. I don't have time to re-edit.

I also very much liked Wiltshire LDWA's picture gallery. What a diverse bunch of people we are!

Author: Simon Pipe
Posted: Tue 2nd Jun 2015, 16:23
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Heart of England
John Pennifold's videos are indeed a fine and valuable record of what we walk through on LDWA events. My wife thinks if very disturbing that I have watched several of them, all the way through. For the record, it's here:

However, I've seen no mention on this forum of the excellent video posted by Clare Pilkington. It shows the other important aspect of a hundred: the people who do it and make it happen. I think it must capture every single walker, as well as some of the scenery. It's here:

And here's my own, six-minute film - a very personal account, heavily featuring Robert Barclay. I carried a rose in memory of my student, Tahlia, who died in April after a lung transplant.
YouTube's image stabilisation seems to come and go: if it's stable, then the punishment is lots of crass, ghastly, unnecessary "moves" that I find absolutely infuriating. I don't have time to re-edit.

I also very much liked Wiltshire LDWA's picture gallery. What a diverse bunch of people we are!

Author: David J Hooper
Posted: Tue 2nd Jun 2015, 11:43
Joined: 1987
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
Having organised many events (not LDWA) I have learnt over the years that you can never get it 100% right and things will go wrong.

An event at the scale of the 100 is a huge task to organise and compared to other events of similar size is remarkably good value. To do an Ironman will cost you up to £400 for 1 day.

If there were issues with food (and i didn't see any) then by all means bring them up to Peter but remember the great time you had whether you finished or not and don't let just one aspect of an event cloud the overall enjoyment.

To focus on one point out of a 1000 that happened superbly is not fair on the organisers.

Bring on Dorset next year.
Author: Peter Haslam
Posted: Mon 1st Jun 2015, 19:46
Joined: 1992
Local Group: East Lancashire

Thanks John, must get some reading glasses.
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Mon 1st Jun 2015, 19:06
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Peter, it's

You put [url] before the link and [url] after (but this one has the slash character '/' just after the first square bracket). I can't show you this because it will interpret my text as a link.
You can use the 'Preview' button below the text box to see the final effect before you do the final posting & re-edit if needed.
You can also refer to the link below the 3 buttons 'Formatting Posts using BBCode' for full help
Author: Peter Haslam
Posted: Mon 1st Jun 2015, 15:41
Joined: 1992
Local Group: East Lancashire
I give up
Author: Peter Haslam
Posted: Mon 1st Jun 2015, 15:40
Joined: 1992
Local Group: East Lancashire
Not sure why that didn't work

Try again

Author: Peter Haslam
Posted: Mon 1st Jun 2015, 15:35
Joined: 1992
Local Group: East Lancashire
Many thanks for all the kind words on this forum and by emails from many satisfied entrants. However I am aware of problems encountered by some entrants as regards the food especially at the early CPs.

I was the member tasked with providing the food at the CPs and the meal at the finish and it is unfair to the rest of the committee to email any concerns you may have to them.
Any concerns you have as regards the food on this years 100 please send them to me. (url)

Author: David Wainwright
Posted: Sun 31st May 2015, 9:33
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
Just like to add my thanks for a great event run by a dedicated and hard working group supported at all the checkpoints by some of the friendliest and most welcoming people around. Yes, even at 4 in the morning!! A special mention too for the first aiders who were dishing out some top quality foot repairs and some excellent banter to go with it!

Dorset, you have a high quality act to follow (but I am sure that you will be up to the challenge!).
Author: Andy Todd
Posted: Sat 30th May 2015, 12:25
Joined: 2010
Local Group: Wiltshire
Thanks? to all for for another hundred. The views were far better than I had expected.

Too many to individually thank, however I must commend East Lancs for proving that it is possible to better South Wales masochism by sending us Pendle hill twice! %)

Congratulations must also go to the comic who described the climb up to Hodder Bank Fell as gentle. >;)
Author: David Morgan
Posted: Sat 30th May 2015, 11:44
Joined: 1994
Local Group: South Wales
Great video John.
We're so lucky to have you doing the videos as you certainly capture the route and atmosphere so well.



David Morgan
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Fri 29th May 2015, 23:43
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Here is my video of the main event:
Author: Beatrice Therin
Posted: Fri 29th May 2015, 18:48
Joined: 2007
Local Group: Wiltshire
For those of you who love photos, there are lots on the Wiltshire LDWA web site.

Thank you to everyone who took part and supported, the LDWA is truly a fantastic organisation.
Author: Edward Short
Posted: Thu 28th May 2015, 21:12
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Essex & Herts
Well done to The East Lancs Group on your excellent organisation of The Red Rose 100, and of course the various groups manning the checkpoints.
A very big thank my brother Alf Short for his help and encouragement in getting me through my first 100. Along the way we were joined by a couple of other first timers, Jeff Stevens and Andy Vicat who were excellent company and a pleasure to walk with. I look forward to seeing them both in Dorset.
Author: Steve Clark
Posted: Thu 28th May 2015, 18:55
Joined: 1990
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
What a great w/e we had. Congrats to all that finished, comises to the ones who had to pull out. I ve got about 900 photos from the w/e, will be getting them off soon.
Author: Peter Jull
Posted: Thu 28th May 2015, 12:13
Joined: 2011
Local Group: Kent
Damn, finished over 4 hours quicker than my only previous completion, now I have no excuse not to do Dorset next year. Will gladly swap the extra climbing for the absence of moorland bogs.

Route turned out to be more green than it looked like it would be on the map. Even one local was impressed at the route used to get through Blackburn and declared herself proud to be from the Ribble Valley the way it was looking on Saturday. Agreed

Highlight: the hosepipe man in Wilpshire dispensing really cold water.

Low Point: the decent from Pendle Hill in the dark was NOT fun. Of some 2 dozen trying it at the same time as me none of us managed to stay on the route for more than a fraction of the way.

Apologies to West Lancashire for muddying their carpet. Apologies to the villagers around the checkpoints I left during the nights. A mild chest infection induced fits of violent coughing until I was reacclimatised to the damp air, by which time I was away from the houses. I hope no complaints were received.

Thank you and well done to all those involved in the organisation, notes were being taken to use in Kent 2018.

We’ll let you export the Chorley Cakes and definitely the Hotpot but you can keep the Vimto squash, there’s a matter of good taste why supermarkets don’t stock it south of Watford.
Author: Alan Cross
Posted: Thu 28th May 2015, 11:41
Joined: 2009
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
A big thank you for to all the organisers & volunteers who made this great event possible - what a walk! I'm still crossing stiles in my sleep and not sure whether I really did see a man dressed as a cat on the side of a hill on a Saturday night or maybe I was just hallucinating? Checkpoint staff were as warm and friendly as ever which always helps. Touched by the support of the local residents, many of whom were handing out water along the way - a real nice touch.

Well done to everyone who competed - whether you walked to the first or last checkpoint, its great to be part of a truly unique event.
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Thu 28th May 2015, 8:33
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
My video of the preliminaries of the Red Rose 100 mile walk:
Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Wed 27th May 2015, 14:57
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
Sorry not here for Hilary's piece regarding Lost Property - try the Red Rose Latest News web page.
Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Wed 27th May 2015, 14:54
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
In the lost property box at the Anderton Centre there were (amongst other items) when I left on Monday morning:

Two new-looking Silva or similar compasses, working
A watch with small face, also new-looking
A pair of spectacles on a head cord
Three walking poles or pole pairs including one fold-able pair
A route description and map, set at Tosside, in unworn map case
Several mugs, some plastic and some ceramic, in various colours including blue and red
A yellow waterproof rucksack cover
A bag of clothes (from the Marshals' walk I believe)
A bag in which was (at least) a mucky pair of walking shoes and uninvestigated socks
At least two pairs of gloves
Some reflective bands and bike-clips used for same
A West Pennines 1:25,000 OS map.

See Hilary's piece a few back on how to contact her regarding these items but probably nout else.

Author: Ian Sanderson
Posted: Wed 27th May 2015, 13:27
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
A successful first attempt at the LDWA 100 - some thank you are definitely in order!

Firstly, thank you to all the marshals and organisers at this year's event. My partner and her parents spent most of Saturday and Sunday driving between checkpoints and declared they had never met a more friendly bunch of people (they also got some free tea and cake, which was kind). Secondly, whoever organised the live tracking deserves a medal. It worked brilliantly (plenty of systems don't) and meant the world and his wife could follow my slow progress around Lancashire. Please use the same system next year. Finally, thanks to the two Steves (Edwards and Mayne) who took me under their wing during the night and got me right through the to the end. I'm sorry I didn't thank you properly at the finish, but I came over 'a bit funny' and had to go sit outside for a while (and missed the hot-pot, which I'm told was the best bit!).

Still, never again. Well, probably never again. Well..., where is Dorset, exactly?
Author: Mark Edwards
Posted: Wed 27th May 2015, 12:28
Joined: 1980
Local Group: Merseystride
Thanks to the organisers, checkpoint helpers and other marshals for another excellent and smoothly run hundred - the checkpoints were all very welcoming. I especially enjoyed the sunny Saturday evening part of the route over the hills before Pendle, and even the light rain for a few hours on Sunday morning was nothing compared to last year!

It's a shame to see that Roger Cole's 100% record is now down to 98% - it couldn't last forever - I hope he is recovering from whatever caused the retirement.

As I woke up on Monday morning and checked the on-line results, I was interested to see that John Cunnane, the last finisher, managed to get to 90 miles in under 34 hours, but then took another 14 hours for the last 10 miles. I'm guessing that he had a problem that might have caused most mortals to retire - well done for pressing on and finishing!
Author: Phil Clarke
Posted: Wed 27th May 2015, 8:44
Joined: 1995
Local Group: Marches
Having said my thanks previously this is just a lost property request!

I believe I left my red plastic tumbler (covered with blue tape, don't ask!) at the Tosside Checkpoint, would love to be reunited with it as we have covered a lot of miles together!
Author: Annabel Wood
Posted: Wed 27th May 2015, 5:32
Joined: 2013
Local Group: London
Congratulations East Lancs, you did a brilliant job this year with the Red Rose 100 (and even my Mum was happy as she was able to follow progress online when I couldn't get signal to do my usual Facebook updates at checkpoints).

Well done and thank you to everyone who helped to organise the Red Rose, all those who volunteered at checkpoints and gave their time so cheerfully and generously, all the supporters who turned up at checkpoint after checkpoint or followed online with words of encouragement. And finally, to the walkers (and runners!) who took part and even attempted the 100 miles, whether you finished or not, thank you. The support and encouragement we give each other on the way round, the stories we swap in the wee small hours, the help with reading the route description or silences we share as we trudge round, all these things make the 100 mile walk special and make me keep coming back for more....

See you next year in Dorset.
Author: Merrian Lancaster
Posted: Tue 26th May 2015, 21:27
Joined: 1996
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
10699 views of this topic, it's not just me checking to read the well earned plaudits.
Author: Eileen Greenwood
Posted: Tue 26th May 2015, 20:08
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
Many thanks to all you organisers and helpers! The villages and countryside are lovely and quiet. And I heard plenty of cuckoos which are rare these days!
I didn't finish but I can't blame the event, weather, bogs or anything else really. I got super blisters of course but can walk through them but got the vomiting syndrome and I can't stand feeling sick; pain -yes, ill -no.
But anyway, still enjoyed the experience again and am on for next year. No Bog of Bowland in Dorset I hope! The event helped me get my confidence back into walking again as I thought I was unfit so thank you again.
And a thanks to Tony Rowley for providing much needed savoury food in the form of sausage rolls-yummie!
And a big thanks to Bill from Doncaster for helping me get my leg over those darn stiles! He is 71 and it was his first 100!
Finally, that discounted spa hotel deal at the Bolton Whites Hotel in the Macron Stadium was heaven! I took full advantage of it on the Monday afternoon and evening in the leisure facilties.
Please can we have a deal like that for next years event?
Author: Mui Imm Tan
Posted: Tue 26th May 2015, 18:33
Joined: 2012
Local Group: Wessex
Would like to say a big thank you to Valarie at the Staffordshire Checkpoint for loaning me the use of the torch; as I have mistakenly packed my one in the drop bag! I hope you have got your torch back, which I handed in at the finish.
Author: Aaron Hookway
Posted: Tue 26th May 2015, 17:53
Joined: 2012
Local Group: Vermuyden (South Yorks)
Just returned back from an extended stay in our neighbours county and would like to thank Hilary and her team for another fantastic event.
The hills, stiles and mud will be longingly remembered and the support from each checkpoint ran by a local group was faultless.
Well done to all who completed, comiserations if you had to bail.

East Lancashire pass the baton to Dorset and put thi feet up, tha did a grand job.
Author: Jeff Stevens
Posted: Tue 26th May 2015, 17:32
Joined: 2014
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Hi all
Just completed my first 100 mile walk and would like to say a few words too all involved the event was really well organised I am from Yorkshire which I am proud of I have never walked in Lancashire but when i started walking up the hills at the start I had Butterflies in my chest it is a really beautiful county and you all should be very proud of what you have achieved. Also i would like to thank Alf Short who could have done the walk a lot faster but stayed with his brother Edward and Andrew Vicat to help them get there first 100 he then let me tag on when I was struggling which helped me get through to the finish I would like to thank him and Edward for there encouragement to help me through to the finish many thanks to Andy too. also to all the people along the way who helped me get to the finish it is one of the biggest achievements of my life and i am hooked on doing all the 100 mile walks and will be visiting Lancashire a lot more and taking my family to see all the beautiful sites I have seen.
Once again Many thanks to all
Author: Michael Bushby
Posted: Tue 26th May 2015, 15:46
Joined: 2007
I can solve the mystery of your disappearing shoes, Nick. They were loaded onto a van with my stuff on Sunday night. (Just between you and me, I think Norman Thomas was the culprit!). I returned them to the lost property box on Monday morning. They were humming a bit.

If anyone from the Barley checkpoint can re-unite me with my mug that I stoopidly left, I'd be grateful. It had a vaguely amusing reference to beef on it and was a recent birthday gift.

I always knew these 100 events were a huge undertaking and having seen this one closer up I take my hat off to Hilary and her team. It had all the customary organisation, support and humanity with some lovely Lancastrian touches. And what glorious countryside! Having grown up a few miles off the route it was especially gratifying to be reminded that it's not always grim.
Author: Nick Ham
Posted: Tue 26th May 2015, 13:21
Joined: 1998
Local Group: South Manchester
LDWA 100s surpass every other Ultra event in all ways bar none. This year's Red Rose 100 lived up to the high standards of the LDWA's flagship event. Thank you to everyone who made it possible. The 100-mile linear buffet was spot on and the support throughout was almost overwhelming. I've never had anyone look after me so well and clean my feet up for me like happened at the finish. (I can almost walk normally now.)

I took a load of photos over the weekend but won't get a chance to upload them until the weekend at the earliest. You'll be the first to know.

Lost property: If anyone picked up an ASDA carrier bag from outside the finish door containing two pairs of socks and a pair of La Sportiva shoes, it's mine. :-)
Author: Rebecca Lawrence
Posted: Tue 26th May 2015, 9:27
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Marches
Fantastic event, thanks to everybody who helped and organised it.
Found it quite tough....feet got soaked early on and then got trench foot with blisters appearing in.the grooves, but glad to have finished. Rain was not welcome on Sunday morning but luckily didn't last.
What a cracking event and introduction to me to the delights Lancashire has to offer.
Well done everyone.
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Mon 25th May 2015, 22:31
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
The first of several videos that I will produce of the Red Rose 100
The Start:
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Mon 25th May 2015, 21:19
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Author: David J Hooper
Posted: Mon 25th May 2015, 18:16
Joined: 1987
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
Just arrived home a great weekend many thanks all, think i need a little sleep now!
Author: Phil Clarke
Posted: Mon 25th May 2015, 17:43
Joined: 1995
Local Group: Marches
Thank you to everyone at East Lancashire LDWA for organising such a great event and to all of the checkpointers who are the icing on the cake!

For me just the right mixture of tough climbs and nice easy stretches. The witches on Pendle, how good were they?

Lancshire Hotpot..................nice!
Author: Julie Spencer
Posted: Mon 25th May 2015, 17:31
Joined: 2011
Local Group: South Pennine
The event was fantastic, great weather and good company. Thank you to all groups who manned the checkpoints and especially to East Lancs for making the event a very memorable one. A job very well done
Author: Michael Jones
Posted: Sat 23rd May 2015, 13:57
Joined: 2011
Local Group: Heart of England
Good luck to everyone on the 100. Pity I couldn't make it, but maybe next year...
Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Fri 22nd May 2015, 14:10
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
The weather should not be much of a problem: light rain in the early hours of Sunday morning, but by that time almost everyone will be over Spence Moor and Pendle Hill, and in more gentle country. Then 3 hours of heavy rain on Sunday morning, but again you'll be over the high moors. The wind speeds are low, though they'll be higher up on the moors.

All in all, nothing like the wall to wall rain of the Valleys.
Author: Peter Haslam
Posted: Fri 22nd May 2015, 12:27
Joined: 1992
Local Group: East Lancashire
Very real, just collected the Black Puddings and Chorley Cakes.
Author: David J Hooper
Posted: Fri 22nd May 2015, 8:58
Joined: 1987
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
Here we go it just got real haha
Author: Manfred Engler
Posted: Thu 21st May 2015, 19:33
Joined: 2012
Local Group: Sussex
Hi Julia,
thanks a lot for the info, as long as I can soak my feet I 'll be fine....:),that, a new fresh clean pair of socks on and a proper breakfast will get me going again
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Thu 21st May 2015, 16:54
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Weather not looking good for Sunday morning. Heavy rain 03:00 to 07:00 then medium rain to 11:00
Author: Julia Warman
Posted: Thu 21st May 2015, 16:09
Joined: 1980
Local Group: West Yorkshire

Further to your post below, there are no showers available at Slaidburn. There will be washing facilities - basins situated in the toilet area. However, there will also be provided, washing-up-bowls to soak your weary feet in !

Hope this helps re your packing arrangements.

Author: Julia Warman
Posted: Thu 21st May 2015, 15:52
Joined: 1980
Local Group: West Yorkshire

For those of you travelling to and from the Red Rose 100 this weekend - the national rail strike has now been called off ! Excellent news.

See you all Saturday morning !

Author: John Cowburn
Posted: Thu 21st May 2015, 11:51
Joined: 1979
Local Group: East Lancashire
Earnsdale Resr Dam
For those concerned about whether or not the path over Earnsdale Reservoir dam will open for the event - yes it will (but only on Saturday). I have been assured by the site manager that the barriers will be moved to allow walkers through.
John Cowburn.
Author: Manfred Engler
Posted: Thu 21st May 2015, 8:56
Joined: 2012
Local Group: Sussex
are there washing/shower/change facilities at the breakfast stop in Slaidburn?
Just want to find out if its worth getting a bag with fresh clothing up there or not.
Author: Ken Falconer
Posted: Thu 21st May 2015, 7:41
Joined: 1983
Local Group: Heart of Scotland
Assuming that the rail strike is going ahead, Isobel and I will be looking for a lift on Monday morning back from walk HQ to Cambridge (or somewhere such as Milton Keynes from where we can get a bus). We will share petrol costs. If anyone can help please let us know at
Author: Chris Boden
Posted: Wed 20th May 2015, 19:54
Joined: 2005
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
Virgin Trains cancels bank holiday services ahead of strikes

Basically everything on the West Coast Mainline (and most of the East Coast) for both Monday and Tuesday. Also "widespread cancellations expected across many other operators including CrossCountry Trains, Chiltern Railways, Arriva Trains Wales, First Great Western and ScotRail."
Author: Alex Weal
Posted: Wed 20th May 2015, 13:23
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
Sorry, just noticed that it went up as I was posting my last post. Thanks!
Author: Alex Weal
Posted: Wed 20th May 2015, 13:21
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
Hi, It says on the route page that you are going to produce an A5 version of the route like you did for the Marshalls event. Is this going to be available anytime soon?

Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Wed 20th May 2015, 7:08
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Richard, as far as I can see you may be confusing two different facts.
1) There is an updated gpx file on Lancashire's web site for the route for downloading to your Satmap.
2) Lancashire seem to have a deal with Satmap for a memory card with the map & route already loaded (not 100% sure on details) and again there's a link to this on the same Lancs webpage (along with all all the written route descriptions). But that's probably too late now to get it posted out to you.
To access: From LDWA page (i.e. above) select Events > Annual 100 Mile Walk > 2015 Red Rose 100 > The Events & Route > The Route > Scroll down...
Author: Richard Newall
Posted: Tue 19th May 2015, 22:30
Joined: 2009
Local Group: Heart of Scotland
Hi, Sorry if I have missed on where I can get the update for the Satmap with the route changes, but can not find it on their web site. They seem hard to contact, has anybody managed to find a link as the Red Rose Web site says there is one but not where to get it. Thanks Richard
Author: Peter Haslam
Posted: Tue 19th May 2015, 18:03
Joined: 1992
Local Group: East Lancashire
As food meister on this years 100 I have resisted the temptation to provide you with the full Lancashire experience. There is no tripe, no cow heel and not even any pigs trotters.

We have however enough beans on toast to feed an army, pasta, tuna mayonnaise, hot soup, crumpets, hot-dogs, flap-jacks, bananas in custard, rice pudding with or without fruit, jelly, sweeties, cakes of various types, jaffa cakes and of course malt loaf.

I have, with some reluctance, allowed some Staffordshire oat cakes to be brought up the M6. You will find them at Hoghton where James 1 knighted the loin of beef to create sirloin.

I have got you a few Lancashire favourites to get you up and over Pendle, Eccles cakes, Chorley cakes and best of all, Bury Black Pudding at breakfast, all washed down with Vimto. Those lucky enough to get to the finish after eating all that lot can end the weekend with, what else could it be............Lancashire Hot Pot.

So, put on your flat cap, make sure your Whippet is on it's lead and see you oooop 'ere.

Don't forget your sun screen and parasol.
Author: Christian Marryat
Posted: Tue 19th May 2015, 18:01
Joined: 2014
Local Group: Surrey
Thanks Alan.
From my limited experience a warm welcome goes hand in hand with an LDWA event, but I think the hugs might be welcome addition in the later stages. Normally I carry my food on walks but with 12k+ calories for the 100 I didn't fancy towing a shopping trolley.

Going through an interesting mix of anticipation, terror and excitement.
Author: Alan Cross
Posted: Tue 19th May 2015, 15:18
Joined: 2009
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
Christian - you can look forward to a variety of food choices at each CP manned by the regional groups.... Whats better is the warm welcome you get and the occasional much needed cuddle (if you ask nicely) that sets you up for the next Stage... and good luck on your first 100 -Its a great event & I'm sure you will enjoy the challenge....
Author: Christian Marryat
Posted: Tue 19th May 2015, 15:12
Joined: 2014
Local Group: Surrey
Hi There. As a 100 virgin I have a question that might seem obvious but......
What level of catering is there at each CP? I will be carrying emergency/general snacks but will there be more substantial food available other than at the breakfast stop?

Will it be the same level as on 'normal' LDWA challenge walks?

Many thanks
Author: Andy Carpenter
Posted: Mon 18th May 2015, 22:27
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
No worries at all Julia, thanks for clarifying. As you rightly say, one can't plan for everything. Shall check again on the site in a few days' time to see what's what.
Author: Julia Warman
Posted: Mon 18th May 2015, 22:07
Joined: 1980
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Hi Andy

Thanks for your post. We are obviously aware of this and have been in consultation on a regular basis with United Utilites. Hopefully we should have a conclusive answer by the middle of this week. If, for any reason, the dam is shut, the diversion is very obvious and will, at the most only add 5 mins to your time. I will let you know the final outcome very soon and apologise for the delay.

No matter how much you plan, there is always something unexpected to deal with !

Author: Andy Carpenter
Posted: Mon 18th May 2015, 20:53
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
Hi Julia
Congrats on all the organising - not long to go now till you & the committee get to have a rest!!
A quick question... I note from a comment below on 15/5/15 that the path over the Earnsdale Reservoir dam is closed (I recall it being closed last year, but I thought they'd re-opened it again since then). Is there a marked diversion that we should be following to get around it, or is it up to us to break out the map and navigate round it ourselves? (I don't mind either way - am just curious!)
Author: David Wainwright
Posted: Mon 18th May 2015, 20:29
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
Thanks Julia!

I am sure it will seem like heaven by the time we get there (hopefully!).

All the best

Author: Julia Warman
Posted: Mon 18th May 2015, 20:16
Joined: 1980
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Hi David, I confirm there is an area set aside for rest and relaxation !


Author: David Wainwright
Posted: Mon 18th May 2015, 19:58
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon

sorry if this is covered on the site already, but is there somewhere for some post walkies sleeping assuming we finish overnight on Sunday night?

I have happy memories of the lovely hall floor at Pontypool and am hoping there is somewhere equally "sprung" to lay down this time!?
Author: Julia Warman
Posted: Mon 18th May 2015, 18:59
Joined: 1980
Local Group: West Yorkshire

If you have not had chance to look at our Latest News on our webpage, please can I ask you to do. Firstly there is information on how your friends and family can "track" you over the course of the weekend; secondly, the final version of the route description is now on the site (put on 13/5/15); and thirdly with regard to Parking please read if you have a camper van or motorhome.

Finally, just to confirm there will be a kit check on route. A list of kit check equipment can be found under the tab Red Rose Entry Forms and Rules. Please look under the Rules. Failure to comply with the kit check will result in disqualification. We obviously want to avoid any disqualifications, so please double check your kit !

Look forward to seeing you all on Saturday. We are hopeful there will be no further Latest News !

Author: Graham Bayes
Posted: Mon 18th May 2015, 14:01
Joined: 2007
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
If last nights Countryfile weather forecast is correct we are in for a good weekend.
Author: Ann Atkinson
Posted: Sun 17th May 2015, 16:36
Joined: 1981
Local Group: Northumbria
Hi - what's the situation re bringing a car onto the Anderton site overnight on Friday? NB I do have a parking pass for the event. Thanks.
Author: Martin Kenyon
Posted: Fri 15th May 2015, 23:21
Joined: 2007
Local Group: Lakeland
Hello all, just for info,
the footpath over the dam of Earnsdale Res is closed. I have e-mailed Julia the info. If you are having a look this weekend or next week the diversion goes right into the woods and down into the Dell, sharp left at bottom , over stream via bridge and back up the other side to leave woods at Res corner where the footpath is and today was completely blocked off. This diversion is not sign posted but a bit of common sense will see you around.
Oh, one second thing, we are not all runners who are setting off at 2pm, we might be fairly quick but defo not runners!

Good walking next Saturday, Cheers, Martin.
Author: Tony Willey
Posted: Fri 15th May 2015, 14:19
Joined: 1989
Local Group: Lakeland
Anyone arriving at 10.45 can help Christine and I erect the event shelter! I think a typo gremlin has crept in, CP1 opens at 11.45.
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Fri 15th May 2015, 13:09
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Worrying news (National Rail Strike) for us rail travellers hoping to return on Monday 25th May.
Virgin Trains have a notice page on this (not much there yet, but hopefully something concrete soon):
Author: Helen Abbott
Posted: Fri 15th May 2015, 12:08
Joined: 2010
Local Group: Thames Valley
The new RD for Stage 1 has an opening time of 10.45 for CP1 (at the bottom) - is that correct?!
Author: Tony Willey
Posted: Fri 15th May 2015, 10:06
Joined: 1989
Local Group: Lakeland
A few statistics gleaned from the starter list on the Red Rose website:-
1. Of the entrants who have declared an affiliation, the group with the most members entered is all the way from Cornwall & Devon with 36, followed by East Lancs (27) and West Yorks (26).
2. Bristol & West have the most experienced entrants, with an average of 14 completions each, followed by Vermuyden (13, thanks to the Hughes brothers), Kent (12) and Cleveland (10).
3. There are 160 entrants who have yet to complete a Hundred.
4. Around 140 entrants are female.
5. 65 runners will set off at 2pm.
We look forward to a (brief!) meeting with the 450 or so walkers at the Lakeland/Cumbria CP1 at Slipper Lowe from round about noon next Saturday.
Good luck to all.
Author: Alan Stewart
Posted: Wed 13th May 2015, 14:33
Joined: 2004
Local Group: Kent
Thank you Julie
Author: Julia Warman
Posted: Wed 13th May 2015, 11:46
Joined: 1980
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Alan - further to your post, just to confirm the amended route description (and GPX file) will be uploaded on to the Red Rose 100 website later today.

Thank you all for your patience with this.

Author: Alan Stewart
Posted: Wed 13th May 2015, 10:48
Joined: 2004
Local Group: Kent
The last news on the Red Rose 100 website regarding the route was "We are in the process of finalising the route. The Marshals walk has identified the need for a small route change to avoid a busy road. Please do not print off further route descriptions until advised"

Has this now been done? as I am traveling up to Lancashire at the weekend and need to print off the route description and mark up my maps before I leave.
Author: Bill Lancashire
Posted: Wed 13th May 2015, 9:56
Joined: 2003
Local Group: South Wales
1:50 k map numbers 103 and 109 is what it says on the 'Event Rules'.
Author: Steve Clark
Posted: Wed 13th May 2015, 0:50
Joined: 1990
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
Hi all, anybody know the landranger 1;50 map No's for the 100. Good luck to all those on the event. Hopefully it won't be as wet as last year.
Author: Alan Stewart
Posted: Mon 11th May 2015, 17:49
Joined: 2004
Local Group: Kent
Does anyone know what has happened to Satmap neither of the links on the Red Rose 100 site work?
Author: Julia Warman
Posted: Mon 11th May 2015, 15:50
Joined: 1980
Local Group: West Yorkshire
To confirm - leggings/tracksters/trousers - all the same - ensuring they cover the full length of your legs ! - to be worn (or carried if you choose to set off in shorts.) Full length waterproof trousers are also be carried in addition to the above. Hope this is clear.

Thank you

Author: Alex Weal
Posted: Mon 11th May 2015, 15:01
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
Just a quick question regarding the kit list. It says trousers on the list, does this mean as in previous years that Leggings are acceptable? Thanks in advance.
Author: Ian Sykes
Posted: Mon 11th May 2015, 14:13
Joined: 1986
Local Group: East Yorkshire
"Apologies for any confusion."

No confusion Julia, in the past we have been issued with carpark passes on a few Hundred's. Seeing that you are limiting parking at the HQ I thought I'd better ask. See you a week Friday. :-)

Author: Julia Warman
Posted: Mon 11th May 2015, 13:36
Joined: 1980
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Just to confirm car parking passes have only been given to those entrants parking at the Anderton Centre. The entrants parking at Rivington School will not need a pass, but their names have been added to a list and will be ticked off on arrival.

Ian - to confirm as you are responsible for baggage etc you will obviously be needed at the event HQ for this purpose. In this regard please ask one of the marshals to direct you to the appropriate parking area to enable you to carry out your duties - you will not need a pass. Apologies for any confusion.

Author: Helen Abbott
Posted: Mon 11th May 2015, 11:50
Joined: 2010
Local Group: Thames Valley
(not sure why the empty post below!) FYI there is also a small change in the route description still coming up according to the previous Latest News item (Main Event News).
Author: Helen Abbott
Posted: Mon 11th May 2015, 11:42
Joined: 2010
Local Group: Thames Valley
There is a Latest News item on the Red Rose event website with the parking allocations and arrangements. It sounds as if only people allocated to the Anderton centre would have expected a pass.
Author: Helen Abbott
Posted: Mon 11th May 2015, 11:40
Joined: 2010
Local Group: Thames Valley
Author: Armorel Young
Posted: Mon 11th May 2015, 11:11
Joined: 1999
Local Group: Sherwood
To elaborate on what David says, I received my parking pass by email from Julia Greenwood, the entries secretary, so I suggest you contact her to discuss the issue.
Author: David J Hooper
Posted: Mon 11th May 2015, 10:15
Joined: 1987
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
The parking tickets came by an email attachment
Author: Ian Sykes
Posted: Sun 10th May 2015, 21:52
Joined: 1986
Local Group: East Yorkshire
"Could someone also kindly explain the car parking tickets "

Do I/we need car park tickets to park at the HQ? If so can I have 3 please.
Author: Louise Whittaker
Posted: Sun 10th May 2015, 21:13
Joined: 1994
Local Group: Staffordshire
Hi All, The discussion about the GPX - will that apply equally to the satmap card? Could someone also kindly explain the car parking tickets - I have not received one through the post - does that mean I need to park at the alternative car park - and not at the Anderton Centre? Thank you!
Author: Andy Todd
Posted: Sun 10th May 2015, 10:13
Joined: 2010
Local Group: Wiltshire
Very easy to edit gpx files. They ate just xml so can be edited in any text editor.

You might find it worthwhile putting it though an xml pretty to make it more readable.
Author: Melissa Butcher
Posted: Sat 9th May 2015, 18:06
Joined: 2009
Local Group: London
Update on gpx: lots of good suggestions on the Facebook page and heard from the lovely red rose organisers this morning that they are going to see if they can split it for us. Thank you!
Author: Melissa Butcher
Posted: Sat 9th May 2015, 9:13
Joined: 2009
Local Group: London
Does anyone know how to break up the gpx route into smaller sections of 100 tracks each. As one file i have to reduce it from 1000 tracepoints to 95 to fit into my garmin forerunner which means it truncates a lot of points. Any suggestions?
Author: David J Hooper
Posted: Fri 8th May 2015, 18:37
Joined: 1987
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
Back from a second trip to Lancashire and we were treated to some bad days weather wise and looking at the long range forecast its gonna rain for the main event! Oh well at least the valleys 100 acclimatised us.

See you all in 2 weeks
Author: Helen Abbott
Posted: Fri 8th May 2015, 7:31
Joined: 2010
Local Group: Thames Valley
From my recce below what I think may have happened is that at 10.7 50 yds after the gate, the GPX goes through the gate ahead and then turns left but the RD ignores that gate and takes another gate to the L - the Bing map with aerial view seems to confirm and I do still have that bit of the trrack but it would be helpful if others e.g. marshals could confirm.

Elsewhere the GPX just seemed to be sparse in a few places (that I noticed) e.g. the swamp turning on the moorland at 11.5 where it did not go down to that level of detail, rather than actually mismatching the RD.
Author: Thomas Sellers
Posted: Thu 7th May 2015, 23:48
Joined: 2009
Local Group: Lakeland
The route that I walked went slightly to the south of the route on the GPX supplied. I can't really remember that bit though.
Author: Andy Todd
Posted: Thu 7th May 2015, 19:30
Joined: 2010
Local Group: Wiltshire
Possible disagreement GPX vs Description.

Looking at the route description at 10.7 the route description indicates the route is via the track between the two farms, however the GPX file goes via the footpath to the north of the barn.

In a number of places the GPX file is quite considerably off the route, but this is one where it appears to be taking a different route. I dont suppose anyone (from the marshalls walk?) recorded a more accurate tracklog?
Author: Ken Falconer
Posted: Wed 6th May 2015, 21:03
Joined: 1983
Local Group: Heart of Scotland
Very many thanks to East Lancs and to all the other groups and individuals who helped out on the Marshals' Walk at the weekend. The support both at HQ and at all the checkpoints was wonderful - the marshals at the outdoor checkpoints deserve particular praise for enduring such wet and cold. It was a walk I'll certainly never forget: struggling over Apronfull Hill with gale force winds blowing heavy rain in our faces, the eeriness of crossing Pendle Hill in thick cloud as darkness fell, and the moors that rapidly turned into swamps. But nonetheless a very varied and attractive route, and excellent hospitality and food to keep spirits up. Thanks so much to everyone involved - let’s hope that the Weather Witch will be a little kinder for the main event!
Author: Aaron Hookway
Posted: Tue 5th May 2015, 10:32
Joined: 2012
Local Group: Vermuyden (South Yorks)
Thanks for the update Madeleine

I logged on to ask a marshal for a quick update. you beat me to it!

Well done to all 33 marshals at the weekend, looking forward to the main event in 18days!
Author: Madeleine Watson
Posted: Tue 5th May 2015, 10:25
Joined: 2002
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Emerging from the aftermath .... thanks everyone. Lovely route. Great support from my family/friends and the checkpoint people. Particular mention to the outdoor ones (Jenny, Ken & Geoff were brill at helping me putting on extra layers - wonder how many different ways there are to say "it was horrible up there?" - and Allan and Anton (I think) who were amazingly cheerful at the car in the rain! I am still hobbling with the blisters which made the last 20 miles rather slow and painful. For those doing the main event - I hope it is drier, and be prepared for the road at the end - it really does goes on for a very long way! Think of the hotpot waiting for you!
Author: Graham Bayes
Posted: Mon 4th May 2015, 12:43
Joined: 2007
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
Thanks Elton, It was my clumsy fingers. It should read OS map.
Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Mon 4th May 2015, 11:12
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
I don’t know what POS maps are, but yes, an uploaded route will overlay any maps uploaded to the SD card. The gpx route goes to the Garmin’s internal memory, the maps stay on the SD card and are loaded up every time you turn the GPSr on. So it shouldn’t matter which you do first. This is based on my experience with the GPSMap 60csx and GPSMap 78.

Incidentally, and you probably found this out the hard way, you have to upload the route to the Garmin as a ‘Track’, not a ‘Route’. Otherwise the GPSr treats every trackpoint as a waypoint, you get hundreds of little blue flags instead of a simple line, and the GPSr runs out of memory.

Incidentally number 2, remember to select ‘Show on map’ on ‘Track Manager’, otherwise your uploaded route won’t.
Author: Helen Abbott
Posted: Mon 4th May 2015, 8:43
Joined: 2010
Local Group: Thames Valley
Some photos taken on my recce last week, Monday to Thursday with a couple of miles squeezed in the evening before. Very changeable forecast and some vicious hail showers and even a few patches of snow on Pendle Hill but mostly much sunnier than the forecast with the rain typically overnight. And I even saw a witch!

I started at Mire Fold Farm at para 12.9, 2.5 miles before Mellor Brook. The first full day was Mellor Brook to Mellor, then Mellor to Barley, then Barley to Dunsop Bridge, then Dunsop to Mire Fold Farm.

Photobucket slideshow with link to pictures

GPS-wise, the strategy was to have routes set up for each stage with an off-course readout to glance at occasionally. At one point at 10.7 Lickhurst Farm the GPX seems different from the RD (passes barn to the R).
Author: Graham Bayes
Posted: Sun 3rd May 2015, 17:18
Joined: 2007
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
gizmo literate people I need your knowledge. I have bought a Garmin etrex 30 and downloaded the walk gpx file to it without having the OS maps on it. If I now download the POS maps to it will it automatically superimpose the route onto the maps?
Author: Claire Murray
Posted: Sun 3rd May 2015, 15:37
Joined: 2001
Local Group: South Wales
Results available at
Author: Carole Elizabeth Engel
Posted: Sun 3rd May 2015, 15:22
Joined: 1998
Local Group: Calderdale
Congratulations and respect to anyone who finished the marshals' 100 this weekend in typical Yorkshire Spring weather (ie appalling or ruddy awful as we say up 'ere)
Author: Graham Bayes
Posted: Sat 2nd May 2015, 20:07
Joined: 2007
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
further to my last I have now managed to download the route to the device
Author: Graham Bayes
Posted: Sat 2nd May 2015, 15:24
Joined: 2007
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
I have purchased a Garmin etrex 30 GPS which takes a mini sd card. Is the Sat Nav card available in a mini or if not what is the best way to get the route on to my gizmo
Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Fri 1st May 2015, 12:40
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
It's oscillating from bad through really bad to terrible, and back.

So who knows what we will get, except that it'll be plenty of rain.
Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Thu 30th Apr 2015, 18:37
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
The forecast for Blackburn is better this Thursday evening than it was this morning. It was looking like a repeat of last year's event's continuous rain bar a few hours, but as of now it's moderate rain from 10pm Saturday to 1pm Sunday, then a mix of heavy rain and sunshine till 4pm Sunday. Still plenty, but about 14 hours less of it than originally forecast, with some sun at the end and not as cold as today.

After a very dry April (and only 50+ people on the Marshals' walk) it might not be enough to create saturation conditions or excessive surface water, like last year's Valleys (when Morgs4 said, memorably, "The route is dry"). Lots of wet wooden stiles though.

Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Thu 30th Apr 2015, 11:40
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
Ah, if morning dew were the only source of drenching, we could be happy!

The Blackburn weather forecast for the Marshals' Walk this week end is rain and plenty of it.

We walk into it as we go north and east, stay in it as we swing west, then it very companionably accompanies us as we head south again.
Author: Armorel Young
Posted: Tue 28th Apr 2015, 10:51
Joined: 1999
Local Group: Sherwood
And I can also confirm that, because the grass in the fields is fairly long and hasn't been trodden down, your feet will get utterly, totally drenched by the heavy dew if you cross the fields in the early morning :-)
Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Mon 27th Apr 2015, 21:58
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
I can confirm that you will indeed need your compass more times on this hundred than on many others - not just in crossing the fells (easy by comparison) but between the very many fences and walls in the relatively low-lying fields. I, or rather Word search, counted up to 250 stile and/or kissing gate and/or gate combinations, many of the latter locked and some of the former in poor state of repair.

The area that the route covers is (or rather was till recent recces) little walked by comparison with neighbouring National Parks and AONBs, hence much of it is (or was) not very well defined. Without your compass, and even with it, you may spend more time getting from field to field and wall/fence to fence/wall - which of several stile/gate/kissing-gates on the other side of the next field is it *this* time ? - than you do in the more open areas. The good news is that in the route description the bearings are spot on - less so with distances IMO - so as long as you know *which* fence/wall/gate/kissing-gate/stile/track/FarmRoad you've just come over/through/across, you should be ok.

It's a route of two halves, the first containing the majority of the 12,000+ ft of ascents and open fells, the second much easier geographically - perhaps the easiest imaginable in terms of ascent - but most of the 250 stiles and gates. With the exception of the final return along the reservoirs (both easy and almost entirely stile-free), you may need to factor in the extra time needed for navigating the second half of a route which is very well designed but equally easy to misplace.

Good stile-hunting to everyone taking part in both the Marshals' and the Event.

Author: John Phillips
Posted: Mon 27th Apr 2015, 10:34
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Whilst many of you have walked some or all of the route and many of you now follow the 'purple line' I am sure there will be a few of you who haven't reccied and don't use a GPS. For those people please be aware that unusually for an event nowadays, the compass will be key piece of kit. Many of the paths cross fields on a compass bearing where there are no established trods on the ground. Do not pack your compass at the bottom of your rucksacks! Good luck to all participants.
Author: Graham Bayes
Posted: Mon 20th Apr 2015, 15:35
Joined: 2007
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
Thanks Mark, I couldn't get it to copy and paste but I was able to open it from your link.
I have also been able to save it to my desktop
Author: Mark Edwards
Posted: Sun 19th Apr 2015, 21:52
Joined: 1980
Local Group: Merseystride
I agree that the link has stopped working - but if you cut and past the address into your browser you can still get the map, although you may need to zoom in and change to an OS map.
Or try clicking here
Author: Graham Bayes
Posted: Sat 18th Apr 2015, 21:35
Joined: 2007
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
Is it just me or my computer or is the Bing mapping link no longer working.
Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Wed 15th Apr 2015, 16:56
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
Road and Rail travel news - Marshals' walk and Event weekend

A copy of a 12 April addition to the Latest News page of the Red Rose website:


Rail Works Taking Place

Please be aware that due to extensive engineering works to electrify the train line betweeen Manchester and Preston that there are a number of road closure and train timetable changes that will affect journeys to the Anderton Centre and surrounding area for both the Marshals' and Main 100 Events.


Long term closures (distance from the Anderton Centre in brackets):

A673 Chorley Road, Adlington Chorley closed until 22nd June (2.5 miles)

B5238, Crown Lane/Station Road from Horwich to Blackrod closed until 15th May (2 miles)

Rawlinson Lane, Adlington Chorley closed until 31st May (2.5 miles)

Grimeford Lane, Adlington Chorley (1 mile from the Anderton Centre) has re-opened due to the traffic chaos caused in conjunction with the above closures, but will at some point close again. This note will be updated if this occurs within our timescales.

There are also a number of other local short term road closures/restrictions prior to the events.

All road closures will have sign-posted diversions but changes in traffic volumes can be expected on nearby roads that will affect journey times. Please check your planned journey prior to departure and allow sufficient time for any associated traffic congestion.


There are also MAJOR changes to train timetables commencing on 2nd May 2015 with a severely restricted service operating between Manchester and Preston. From this date, over every weekend, there will be a replacement bus service in place between Manchester and Preston. Please check the new timetables that are now available.


Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Sat 11th Apr 2015, 17:39
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
Are we having a recording system at the checkpoints which uploads recorded information (entrant arrival times,retirements etc) to a website available to the public as the event progresses, as we had on the Valleys Hundred?
Author: Albert Bowes
Posted: Sun 29th Mar 2015, 10:43
Joined: 1990
Local Group: North Yorkshire
Just back from receeing the last 70mile of the Red Rose 100 with Pat, Vince, Tom and Carol - Cleveland Group. Excellent route, no problems with route description, beautiful area and very friendly locals. Good to chat with the group from Devon and Cornwall, only briefly as they were on a mission to get finished, ours was a more leisurely pace. Cant wait to go back at the end of May.
Author: David J Hooper
Posted: Fri 27th Mar 2015, 19:13
Joined: 1987
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
Recce done in 5 days and wow what an amazing route. We were blessed with the weather and the views.

Nice to see another group out today from the Cleveland group containing Albert and Eva.

Bring on May
Author: Eileen Greenwood
Posted: Wed 18th Mar 2015, 12:41
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
Thanks Richard. I have now managed to do the same as you successfully! Thanks for your reply.
Author: Richard Haynes
Posted: Wed 18th Mar 2015, 11:11
Joined: 1985
Local Group: Essex & Herts
I have the route entered into Basecamp and onto a Garmin etrex 30 with no problems.
I downloaded to my computer then imported to Basecamp from there. Once in Basecamp I transferred to the etrex internal memory.
Author: Eileen Greenwood
Posted: Tue 17th Mar 2015, 22:56
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
Hi Aaron and thanks for your reply. Nope- that didn't work either! I'll have to see if I can transport another gpx file to Basecamp to see if its a problem with my Basecamp or something, but I'm lost with these things.

Has anyone has any success with the redrose 100 gpx file with garmin Basecamp and gps unit?
Author: Aaron Hookway
Posted: Tue 17th Mar 2015, 21:47
Joined: 2012
Local Group: Vermuyden (South Yorks)
Hi Eileen

I have managed to upload the file and open with the Ride With GPS website.

I am sure you could export it onto any platform from here.
May be worth a go?!
Author: Eileen Greenwood
Posted: Tue 17th Mar 2015, 19:16
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
Hi All
I.m trying to open up the Red Rose 100 file in Garmin BaseCamp but with no success. It tries to install the Basecamp file but not the route files and I have Basecamp aready installed from the Garmin Site. I am using Windows 8. And have a Garmin Montana.

Why doesn't the file open with Base Camp? Any suggestions/help welcome?
Author: Madeleine Watson
Posted: Sun 8th Mar 2015, 17:02
Joined: 2002
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Anyone know if the path over Earnsdale Reservoir dam is open yet? thanks
Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Sat 14th Feb 2015, 20:33
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
Since the pdf files of the route had to be removed, a route display solution has been added to the Red Rose route pages. It's a link to a map which is zoomable to OS 1:25,000 level, thus offering both overview and detail. It may not work well or properly on non-Explorer/Windows platforms, but today I used it with Firefox under XP3.

On a brief look, the route looks to be up to date and corresponding with the revised RD files. Unless people experience difficulties viewing, saving or printing it, I don't think it will be necessary to produce an alternative such as the one which I previously suggested (used by the Valleys hundred).

Sorry that I hadn't noticed this addition before.

Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Thu 12th Feb 2015, 11:02
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
Might we have different sub-headings for different aspects of the hundred - or a separate forum somewhere else within the Red Rose pages ? Experience from previous years suggests that this one will become seriously overloaded as the event date approaches.

Author: Alan Stewart
Posted: Thu 12th Feb 2015, 10:29
Joined: 2004
Local Group: Kent
Hi Kevin

Apologies for the late response, I have only just got back onto the forum. Your solution to the Red Rose 100 gpx file in OS Getamap worked perfectly. Based on what you said about opening it in Tracklogs and saving as different gpx file prompted me to open it in which is free and then saving it with a different name, this new file then opened fine in OS Getamap. On looking at the new file in Notepad bikehike had changed it from /GPX/1/0 to /GPX/1/1 as per your workaround.

Thank you Kevin you are brilliant
Author: Eileen Greenwood
Posted: Wed 11th Feb 2015, 22:42
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
Sorted! In at Slaidburn YHA which is one of the oldest YHAs so they say. It will suit me fine. And car sharing with friends for the reccy. Hey hoo Lancashire,here we go! Thanks again Iain.

And thank you Peter- anything? Ooh well- mushrooms fried in butter with butchers best black pudding plus tomatoes with toasted granary bread at breakfast! I like a bit of meat and I'm missing some iron my body tells me.
Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Tue 10th Feb 2015, 23:18
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
You're welcome Eileen. I forgot to mention Slaidburn YHA, which is the breakfast stop and therefore half way round.

Author: Peter Haslam
Posted: Tue 10th Feb 2015, 22:31
Joined: 1992
Local Group: East Lancashire
Anything for you Eileen
Author: Eileen Greenwood
Posted: Tue 10th Feb 2015, 18:29
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
Thank you Iain. I didn't realise that the LDWA accommodation search had progressed so much! Yippee. Just need a hot shower after long walk.And a comfy bed of course, Oh and a sauna,steam room. Massage maybe?

Can I ask Peter Haslam for granary bread please? Just joking.
Author: David Podmore
Posted: Tue 10th Feb 2015, 18:18
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Marches
Hi Elton / Michael, have now downloaded gpx succesefully, many thanks for your advice
Author: Peter Haslam
Posted: Mon 9th Feb 2015, 22:56
Joined: 1992
Local Group: East Lancashire
There will be a mix of Brown and White bread with the odd slice of Half and Half. Not all at every CP but spread along the route (pun intended)
Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Mon 9th Feb 2015, 22:56
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
The LDWA (not specifically Red Rose) Accomodation searcher finds two camping barns in Downham, near Clitheroe, and one near Trawden, both in Lancs. Downham has CP5 and Trawden is about 10 miles from CP4, both on the E/SE side of the route.

Prices for B&Bs and pubs seem to be lower than elsewhere locally e.g. in the national parks. Try the White Bear in Adlington (3 miles from Anderton Cr.).

Author: Eileen Greenwood
Posted: Mon 9th Feb 2015, 22:11
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
Hi from Eileen. I hope to reccy the route at Easter. But only me and my car available. I will maybe book Travel Lodge for 4 nights hopefully but the prices seem to go up daily. I've considered backpacking but 1- its early in the North! And 2- not many campsites around for a circular route and 3- its cold up North!
If anyone is available to car share/drop of from start to finish of sections.

Are there not any hostels around! But Ester and they will be booked up for schools.I'm skint unfortunately!
Author: Steve Boyles
Posted: Mon 9th Feb 2015, 21:55
Joined: 2009
Local Group: Sherwood
Hi, just wondering if there will be a mix of various foods on the Red rose 100?
Primarily, will there be brown bread available at the checkpoints. If not, can I make arrangements to supply food for my hubby at some checkpoints.
I have walked with various groups around the country and spoke with many participants of former events and it seems that many people do not eat white bread. Most prefer brown or granary bread as it is better for the digestive system.
Author: Michael Richardson
Posted: Mon 9th Feb 2015, 19:13
Joined: 2010
Local Group: South Wales
Hi Aaron, that's great. Thanks for your help.
Author: Aaron Hookway
Posted: Sun 8th Feb 2015, 22:02
Joined: 2012
Local Group: Vermuyden (South Yorks)
Have a look at the Red Rose website and find the blog of John J

He backpacked the route over 5 days and one of the blogs gives an overview of the entire route.

Hope this is of use..
Author: Michael Richardson
Posted: Sun 8th Feb 2015, 19:43
Joined: 2010
Local Group: South Wales
Hello. Can anyone tell me if there is image of the whole route to look at as found on last years 100 and the Camel Teign website for example?
Just thought it would be nice to see an image and get a mental picture.
Author: Armorel Young
Posted: Sun 8th Feb 2015, 18:45
Joined: 1999
Local Group: Sherwood
Ah, thanks, Janet - in the light of your comments I had another look at the Satmap card and you are absolutely right. You have to go to the "routes" menu (and navigate to the Red Rose card) and then press "activate route" - the route then shows up on the map as the expected blue line. That's great, and my previous disappointed comments are withdrawn!
Author: Janet Pitt-Lewis
Posted: Sun 8th Feb 2015, 18:12
Joined: 1993
Local Group: Marches
Amorel I am a complete novice with the Satmap - I had to read the instructions on how to turn it on to try the Red Rose card - and like you I was very disappointed not to find the route. However by pressing some buttons - I am not really sure which - I have found the route. I am now afraid I will lose it again.
Author: Armorel Young
Posted: Sun 8th Feb 2015, 17:43
Joined: 1999
Local Group: Sherwood
I've just bought the Satmap card of the Red Rose but I'm extremely disappointed to find that it doesn't actually mark the route (it does show the checkpoints). All is does is cover the area of the walk - which I already have on standard Satmap maps. I bought the card thinking that it would be worth it to have the route marked on the map but I've wasted my money.
Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Sun 8th Feb 2015, 12:40
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
One solution to making available the Red Rose route might be to mark it on online OS maps, allowing different scale views (possibly with daily limits on downloads). This was done successfully by Valleys hundred last year.

The Red Rose 'Route' and 'Latest News' pages now include links to a Satmap map card offer (£20).

Author: Kevin Pearson
Posted: Fri 6th Feb 2015, 15:13
Joined: 2007
I had the same issue when trying to open the downloaded .GPX file in OS getamap. The file opens OK in Tracklogs software, but just did nothing when I tried opening it in getamap.
(Strangely, when I opened the file in Tracklogs software and then saved it again as a new .gpx file – that new file then opened OK in getamap. )
For those people who don’t have mapping software, this is another workaround that I have used to get the file from the website to open in OS getamap:

- Download the .gpx file from the RedRose website and save it on your PC.
- Open the downloaded file in a text editor program such as Windows Notepad or Wordpad
- At the end of the second line of text, change it from /GPX/1/0 to /GPX/1/1
- Save the file

It should now open OK in OS getamap – takes about 30 secs to open. Unfortunately, the checkpoints don’t show up, but you should be able to see the track.
Author: Helen Abbott
Posted: Fri 6th Feb 2015, 15:05
Joined: 2010
Local Group: Thames Valley
I've just got it to load in OS Getamap by converting it from a track to a route, if that helps narrow down the problem.
FYI It also loads fine in walk4life.
Author: Mui Imm Tan
Posted: Fri 6th Feb 2015, 10:04
Joined: 2012
Local Group: Wessex
Hi, here is the link for the Red Rose 100 which I've uploaded to the Mapometer website : . You should be able to download the Gpx file from that link. Hope this helps - have fun! :-)
Author: Alan Stewart
Posted: Thu 5th Feb 2015, 18:45
Joined: 2004
Local Group: Kent
Hi David, as Elton as said you will need to load the gpx file in to mapping software to see the route after first saving the gpx file to your PC. You should be able to save it to your PC by double clicking on the Red Ross 100 gpx file on the web site and choose a save option. It looks like you have a link to the web site at and not the file itself.

My problem is not being able to load the gpx file into OSGetamap. I have had no problem with gpx files in OSGetamap in the past. Perhaps I'll call their technical support.
Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Wed 4th Feb 2015, 22:29
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
Opening Red Rose Hundred route file
1. Download the gpx file from the Red Rose website.
2. Open your mapping programme: I use Tracklogs (Version 3 can handle gpx files). Instructions are for Tracklogs, but other mapping programmes will (presumably) be similar.
3. Go to File, select Open.
4. A Window will open, saying at the top ‘Look in ....’ Click in this folder box and select Downloads from the options offered (In Windows you may have to open User first)
5. Double click on Downloads.
6. A number of map files may appear. If GPX is the default format, Red Rose should be there.
7. If so, skip the next step. If not:
8. Select File Type as ‘GPX exchange format (*.gpx)’ or similar wording. The Red Rose download should now appear as an available option.
9. Click on it to highlight it, then click on Open. The plotted route should appear on the maps.
Author: David Podmore
Posted: Wed 4th Feb 2015, 19:03
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Marches
Just had this appear on my pc, , this must be the gpx file
Author: David Podmore
Posted: Wed 4th Feb 2015, 18:54
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Marches
Hi Mui /Alan , I keep getting a message application not found , maybe its my PC. However its not end of world as I will just map it out manually on my GPS
Author: Alan Stewart
Posted: Wed 4th Feb 2015, 11:30
Joined: 2004
Local Group: Kent
I have downloaded the gpx file ok, but it won't open in OS Getamap, it doesn't display an error, it just doesn't open. I have tried it on two different PCs. Has anybody got any ideas.
Author: Mui Imm Tan
Posted: Wed 4th Feb 2015, 10:47
Joined: 2012
Local Group: Wessex
Hi David, I've just went through the process of downloading the Gpx file a minute ago, and it was as smooth as expected.
Author: David Podmore
Posted: Tue 3rd Feb 2015, 19:25
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Marches
I have been trying to access Red Rose gpx on site however I keep getting a message saying unable to open, has anyone else had same problem
Author: John Walker
Posted: Mon 2nd Feb 2015, 19:48
Joined: 1989
Local Group: Wiltshire
Many thanks for the explanation. It is a great shame since the .pdf maps would have been so useful on the 100. Probably like other entrants, I decided to wait until nearer the day before printing them off in case of last-minute modifications. We now find ourselves victims of our own prudence.
However, I fully understand the situation the Committee find themselves in. Would they kindly consider putting the .pdf maps back on the website, just for a few days, and then permanently removing them. In the circumstances it seems only fair, given that we had no warning of their removal.
Author: Peter Haslam
Posted: Mon 2nd Feb 2015, 17:01
Joined: 1992
Local Group: East Lancashire
We as a committee have been made aware of a potential copyright issue, and were advised to remove them.
Author: Richard Plumley
Posted: Fri 30th Jan 2015, 20:12
Joined: 1998
Local Group: Bristol & West
looking through the latest route description the grid reference 662335 in section 12.9 appears to be wrong can it be checked,I hope its more like 654333 .thankyou
Author: John Walker
Posted: Thu 29th Jan 2015, 16:33
Joined: 1989
Local Group: Wiltshire
Why have the fifteen .pdf maps been taken off the website? They not only showed the detailed route but also the contours of the ascent/descent between each CP. They would have been invaluable on the day.
Any reason for their removal?
Author: Peter Jull
Posted: Tue 6th Jan 2015, 15:08
Joined: 2011
Local Group: Kent
Having found the .pdf maps of the route now on the website I presume they will, if printed, satisfy the requirement to carry maps. If so, can the route be done in a less oqaque colour as the red is obscuring details such as field boundaries which might prove critical?
Author: Peter Steckles
Posted: Thu 27th Nov 2014, 23:52
Joined: 1998
Local Group: East Lancashire
I think its good that people recce the route and feed back any comments via this forum, or directly to the East Lancs Group, who I know are eager to put on a good event for the entrants and for the LDWA.

I have never met Arthur, but think his comment was tongue in cheek - I took it that way at least, and for me, the clue was the Dear Sir opening.

Iain's post suggested some route finding difficulties, and I suspect that Arthur was trying to be "helpful".

Given the amount of coverage the yellow paint vandalism received when it was last aired, I don't think anyone on here could think the yellow paint suggestion was anything more than humour.

My vote would be for RED paint!!!

Always an issue posting on forums. One man's joke is another person's insult... That's why, on the Nth day, the god of the internet created emoticons

a representation of a facial expression such as a smile or frown, formed by various combinations of keyboard characters and used in electronic communications to convey the writer's feelings or intended tone.

"flag your jokes with emoticons, such as a smiley face :-), to avoid misunderstandings"

Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Thu 27th Nov 2014, 11:41
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire

You've been a member for a long time and know very well the strength of feeling on the subject of spray-painting - as far as I know, the only issue in 40 years to have risked cancellation of membership (Ivor's Dream 2012). If your piece is intended as satire, it fails. It if's intended as a serious contribution to a discussion on the subject of pre-event reconnaissance (there is one), it fails.

For your interest, I'm feeding back comments and suggestions on the route of the 2015 hundred so that by the time of the event any issues with the un-spray-painted route might be resolved. There are several other people also doing this - you might like to join us.

Author: Arthur Metcalfe
Posted: Wed 26th Nov 2014, 14:43
Joined: 1987
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Dear sir Why not carry a tin of Yellow spray Paint when you recc the route, to mark the not so easily to see signs. this is what they used to do in Swaledale etc mark with a Yellow Paint( masionary paint?) on the wall stiles ect for ease of use.
Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Sun 2nd Nov 2014, 23:42
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
I'm currently recce-ing as much of the route as I can before the winter. Since I live nearer the eastern part of it I've started there. On the evidence so far, I would say that the second half (checkpoints 5 to 14) is the easiest that I've experienced on hundreds in terms of geography, with only one steep ascent and no high or very exposed paths, but it does involve some tricky navigation. On this half at least, there are lots and lots of field paths with a great many stiles, some of which are hard to see until approaching (many necessary compass bearings), and several wrecked and/or loose gates. Like the Valleys hundred, it is a relatively un-walked area, so many paths are faint or just not apparent. But unlike the Valleys, (its second half) doesn't charge up and down the contours on loops sometimes only a mile apart.

But that's only half of it, so most of the 12,000-plus feet of ascent must be in the first bit, from the start to checkpoint 5. This route takes in the moors between Chorley and Darwen, Darwen tower and Pendle Hill - some serious acents - so it gets the worst (or best) in early, leaving goodness knows how many stiles and field paths to find as you faff about in the dark. At the moment there's one hard to see (and get down to) footbridge and then stone gateway in some woods (not Bowland forest - that's easy), which might have to be flagged if it's in the final version. But apart from one incorrect bearing requiring an uphill backtrack, I've not had significant problems either doing it (easy second half) or finding it (the RD's ok), but I'm doing only short distances in daylight (I might repeat the night-time stages next year).
Author: Jeremy Corke
Posted: Sun 2nd Nov 2014, 13:05
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Bristol & West
Red Rose 100
To do it or not to do it!
Have done 8 100s so far. However, the Welsh 100 was really one to put me off doing any more 100s again!
There is much planning involved in putting on a 100, and I sometimes feel that to do the whole route over say 4 days, all in daylight - would be a far more enjoyable experience!
One guy who does 100s every year said that it takes him a month to prepare for it, and then after the event a month to recover!
To date still undecided!
Jeremy Corke
Author: Julia Warman
Posted: Mon 20th Oct 2014, 20:12
Joined: 1980
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Apologies to those of you who were unable to access the Red Rose 100 entry system via Sportident this morning. I didn't realise immediately as I was at work. I hope this hasn't caused too much inconvenience and the situation has now obviously been rectified. If you have any other problems at all please do not hesitate to contact me at:

Thanks all for your interest in our event.

Author: Bill Lancashire
Posted: Mon 20th Oct 2014, 10:38
Joined: 2003
Local Group: South Wales
I can see the Event in the list now. Earlier this morning it was not visible even when logged-in.
Author: Mik Clarke
Posted: Mon 20th Oct 2014, 10:37
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Heart of England
Now you can see it without having to log in
Author: Mik Clarke
Posted: Mon 20th Oct 2014, 10:29
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Heart of England
If you do not log in, you cannot see the entry
Author: David Findel-Hawkins
Posted: Mon 20th Oct 2014, 10:15
Joined: 1980
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
I've just logged into sientries and found Red Rose 100 in list.

Is anyone still having problems?

email me at if you are
Author: Bill Lancashire
Posted: Mon 20th Oct 2014, 9:15
Joined: 2003
Local Group: South Wales
The event is definitely not mentioned anywhere on the SiEntires web site at present.
I could not find an email address to contact the Committee Member responsible for the Applications.for the event
It would be nice if a Member of the organising Committee could clarify what is happening.
Author: David J Hooper
Posted: Mon 20th Oct 2014, 9:11
Joined: 1987
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
I cant find it either?
Author: Albert Bowes
Posted: Mon 20th Oct 2014, 9:05
Joined: 1990
Local Group: North Yorkshire
I was under the impression that entries for Red Rose 100 via Sportident would be open today, however I cant find any listing on their system. Is anyone else having problems, or have I got the date wrong?

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