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Discussion Forum - The Bothy - redundant

Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Thu 18th Jul 2013, 11:15
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
Give her a week to make her mind up (a woman's prerogative) and if we hear nothing then we best send out a search party to rescue her (or save him)! Matt.
Author: Peter Steckles
Posted: Wed 17th Jul 2013, 22:57
Joined: 1998
Local Group: East Lancashire
Is this the one you locked in the wardrobe several months ago...?

Author: Ian Sykes
Posted: Wed 17th Jul 2013, 18:55
Joined: 1986
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Am I on my own in wondering how Eileen is? Come on give us a update lass.
Author: Ian Sykes
Posted: Mon 15th Jul 2013, 17:41
Joined: 1986
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Hi Eileen lass, it happened to me when I was 59. (losing my job, not having a lazy boyfriend) and I can tell you it felt like my world had come to a end. I turned up for work one day and told that was it. Walked away without a penny. I went to the job centre for the first time in my life. Don't get me wrong, everybody was very nice to me, but I was told to go away as I was not entitled to any benefits. Yes that's right I'd paid my way from 15 years of age until 59 plus and I was told no. I don't what to say too much about it on here but I did go through a bad patch were I thought I would no longer find work. I know if not done thing for a redneck like me to utter the word depression and maybe I'm wrong in saying it. But I did have a few months of feeling that way. I was very good at hiding from everybody.

Anyhow after a few months I started to pick up work. A odd week here, a odd month there. Them over two years ago I answered a ad from 6 weeks work and the rest is history. At 64 I would love to go part time, 2 or 3 days a week. But my employer is trying to get me to work 6 days a week. I'm saying trying because he as no hope of that happening.

Re your boyfriend lass. drinking is not the answer is it? If you still want him to leave? Sit him down when your both sober and tell him how you feel and ask him to leave. That's my advice for what's it worth lass.

Bye for now Eileen and I hope it all works out fine for you.

Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Mon 15th Jul 2013, 10:30
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
Has he been trying to find work over the last year? If he's not even trying hard, he's a freeloader and should go, however caring he seems.
As my late father in law used to say: "You can't buy beer with thank you's". Same applies to paying the electricity bill and the weekly shopping!

Regards your financial situation, I also took a voluntary redundancy package at 59 and have a very small personal pension (far less than the OAP) am basically living off that + capital etc. till I am 65 and the OAPension kicks in, neither of us have any intention of being buried with a single £ left, life is far too good to hoard any money. Matt.
Author: Rebecca Lawrence
Posted: Mon 15th Jul 2013, 8:08
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Marches
I've no issue with being the breadwinner but I would expect my live at home boyfriend to have all the house work done, the garden done, and my dinner on the table when I walked in from work.....if I arrived home to see him sat in front of the TV, washing up still in the bowl and beds unmade.....well he'd only do it once and he'd be out.
What about joining an online dating site without telling him like e-harmony. Once you have found a suitable replacement, then give him the boot?
Author: Eileen Greenwood
Posted: Sun 14th Jul 2013, 23:57
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
So to female LDWA members-would you pay for a fella who was unemploeyed and not much chance of a job for ages living with you. Someone who is kind and caring and who would worry about you on challenges and the 100? someone who would walk out meet you on the 100 just cos he loved/cared for you and wanted see if you OK?

I have never had that,someone who cared. But... how can I support that someone? HELP! Suggestions welcome from my LDWA friends.

ps. i have tried drinking for 2 days to drive him out but that doesn't work either.
Author: Eileen Greenwood
Posted: Sun 14th Jul 2013, 23:43
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
But.. he does massage my feet and ignores the missing toenails! How much is that worth I wonder??
Author: Eileen Greenwood
Posted: Sun 14th Jul 2013, 23:23
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
After 21 years of service! Now my employers are better than most and I can pay off my mortgage. But a short fall in what I can live off until the state pension I can claim! 6 years! I can't live on my employers penson yet so having to find work at the grand old age of 59!

And my boy friend of 49 isn't working and hasn't worked apart from 3 months since living with me for a yea,r I am supporting him so I suppose I have give him the boot too!

So I am looking for part time work but I am hoping to join the ranks of the fit pensioners at the same time!

The way I see it- if my live in boyfriend spends his time in front of the tv everyday and cant even pull the weeds out the garden then he is no good.

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