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Discussion Forum - Environment Matters - My split personality on the cost of motor fuel

Author: Steph Carter
Posted: Thu 27th Dec 2012, 16:26
Joined: 2011
Local Group: North Yorkshire
Half of me- like most if us- hates watching the petrol pump counters tick ever faster when fueling my car- they seem to vaporise cash more quickly than a fuel injector vaporises fuel.
The other half of me, as strange as it may seem, actually appreciates the high cost of motor fuel. While this may seem crazy (and may well elucidate a confirming comment from John Batham!) the high cost of oil , multiplied up by fuel duty means that fuel is becoming so expensive it is driving changes in behaviour of many people that support the environment:-
* Sales of more Fuel efficient cars are rising fastest
* Many are trying to drive more effectively (see the post "Carrying Fuel burns fuel" for some excellent tips from Peter Steckles)
* Some are actively trying to car share where they didn't before
* More people are questioning the necessity of each car journey, and cutting out the un-necessary ones.
* I observe more people driving at more fuel efficient speeds (50-60mph) on motorways than I used to.
That said all of me feels sympathy for those that need to drive and can no longer afford to.
Before you think I'm supporting the government's taxation policy let me add that while motor fuel duty is driving some environmentally beneficial behaviour changes which as an environmentalist I like, successive governments have demonstrated blatant green-washing over motor fuel duty. It is an easy revenue earner for them , but is immorally wrapped up in a "We're doing it for the environment" pitch. If that were the case then the money raised through motor fuel duty would ALL be used to further the welfare of the environment...for example investment in public transport infrastructure, greater subsidies and grants to support sustainability projects and technologies etc. I suspect I will have to wait until the Houses of Parliament are flooded by rising sea levels before I get my wish on this one!

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