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Discussion Forum - Local Groups - Welcoming New Members!

Author: John Knight
Posted: Mon 14th Feb 2011, 19:10
Joined: 1999
Local Group: Anytime Anywhere
Hi Louise

Glad you've given social walking another go, after your daunting experience all those years ago! As I assured you when we walked together on the 2009 Cloud Challenge, South Manchester group does look after its walkers these days, both old hands and newcomers; anytime you'd like to come out with us again you would be made very welcome.

Author: Louise Whittaker
Posted: Sun 30th Jan 2011, 10:32
Joined: 1994
Local Group: Staffordshire
I've been an LDWA member for many years but have a preference for Challenge walks over Group Walks - why? Because back in the 1990s as a 'new person' I went on a 'Group Walk' where folks went like express trains. It was a huge struggle to keep up, and I vowed never to repeat such an experience. Yesterday - almost 17 years on I ventured out on a group walk with the Staffordshire Group - how welcoming, and what considerate leadership towards the pace of all the participants. We enjoyed a measured pace, regrouped regularly and covered 20 miles. I know to cover that distance we cannot have folks crawling along - but a Group walk maybe someones first step into the world of the LDWA. First imperssions count, and Group Walks 'showcase' the culture of what we are about - not just the walk, but the kidn of folks we are. This is one important way in which we support 'new members' - and help to get them started.

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