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Discussion Forum - Website Development - Two little details which would make such a considerable improvement

Author: John Sparshatt
Posted: Tue 19th Oct 2010, 17:03
Joined: 1983
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Hi All,

The postcode/GR search is now back in after a short absence. Local group names have also been put into the events and group walk searches.
Author: Alan Jolly
Posted: Mon 18th Oct 2010, 19:31
Joined: 1997
In the words of Harry Hill ... " I like the Region search but I also like the postcode search, but which one is best? Only one way to find out .........fiiiiiiiight !!! "
Author: John Sparshatt
Posted: Mon 18th Oct 2010, 7:35
Joined: 1983
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Nic, We are aware of the problem and are hoping to get the issue resolved quickley. John
Author: Nic Arb
Posted: Sun 17th Oct 2010, 12:15
Joined: 2005
Local Group: Kent
And now the search by postcode/grid ref is not even available anymore
Posted: Tue 12th Oct 2010, 17:03
Joined: 1982
Tony, this site has always been conservative and I fear always will be, so sadly it's demise is just a matter of time unless some one on high gives it a good shaken.
Author: Antony Blatchford
Posted: Tue 12th Oct 2010, 13:31
Joined: 2019
Local Group: Lakeland
I agree with the comments about restoring the Regional search facility - far easier than trawling through a list which has limited personal interest.

Given the lack of views and the dearth of postings on the LDWA site (the Ideas Forum has had 1 posting in the last 12 months!) is it not time that the whole concept of the LDWA website was looked at? As David correctly states, the site seems to have entered it's winter hibernation period earlier than normal this year.
Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Sun 10th Oct 2010, 22:07
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
Hang on ...........isn't John meant to apologise to Nic as well? To kind of even things up a bit.

I have no idea what the suggestion is all about anyway, way over my head, but I do expect fair play at all times. Anything else just isn't cricket (or walking). Matt.
Posted: Sun 10th Oct 2010, 16:23
Joined: 1982
Bloody Hell John you are getting mellor since you started drawing your pension, now when are we going to get the regional choice put back on the events list.
Author: John Sparshatt
Posted: Sun 10th Oct 2010, 13:28
Joined: 1983
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Nic Apology accepted. John
Author: Nic Arb
Posted: Sat 9th Oct 2010, 17:47
Joined: 2005
Local Group: Kent
Thank you so, so much, Matt & David, for comforting me. My heart jumped to the ceiling when I read that I had been rude, as I had no idea anyone could find this post rude. If you did, John, please accept my apologies, it was not meant to be.
Posted: Fri 8th Oct 2010, 7:50
Joined: 1982
Maybe Nics post is what is needed to waken this site up, which appears to have went into hibernation if not terminal decline over the last few months and yes John I too would like to see the regional option brought back. It does save trawling through a lot that is no use to me. As for being rude, I am glad you did not hear what I said in the car two weeks ago about Yorkshire and it's idea of sign posting diversions and it got even worse when I got caught in a speed trap on the way home.
Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Thu 7th Oct 2010, 23:07
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
I wouldn't have noticed it as a "rude and unnecessary comment" if you hadn't mentioned it. Your comment is hardy encouraging others to make suggestions, for fear of being publicly castigated as rude etc. Matt.
Author: John Sparshatt
Posted: Thu 7th Oct 2010, 15:58
Joined: 1983
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Once again in the guise of making a sensible suggestion comes a rude and unnecessary personal comment about the development of the website by the same person.

The reason the ‘region’ has been omitted is because the category is unnecessary, not specific and confusing. Anyone who lives near the boundary of an area (which have not been well defined) can now choose there own area to search or if you go elsewhere on holiday you can search that area too, all you need is a postcode.

Walks are now area coded and we are moving towards other information being area coded to fit in with searches by postcode or Grid Ref. Hostels, Bunk Barns and Camp Sites have already been coded in preparation for such advances.

The suggestion about the local group name being displayed will be looked at during the next website committee meeting. Any other suggestions which make an improvement will also be discussed.
Author: Nic Arb
Posted: Mon 4th Oct 2010, 12:58
Joined: 2005
Local Group: Kent
It would suffice so little to make this website really handy.
If you agree, please reply to this post and if we are numerous, perhaps in the end we’ll get it.

In Events list it would be good to be able
1. to search by region
2. to see the name of the group in the list.

I know that if John S (who likes to tell me how to suck eggs) reads this post he’ll reply that I just have to use the postcode/grid ref search to have the events in my region but this does not return the same results.

There is a free space on the day of week line to add a search by region and perhaps we could squeeze one more column on the list to add the group name, abbreviated.

Just an idea though… What do you think?

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