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Anglezarke Amble

Sat 8th Feb 2025

Walk Details:

Event Type
Challenge Event
Region / Area
Northern England / Lancashire
Local Group
West Lancashire
Distance / Time Limit
24 or 17ml. in 10hr
Start Time
Start: 08.00 walkers, 09.00 runners
Location: Rivington Village Hall, BL6 7SE

Via Rivington, Anglezarke & Turton Moors through an area known as the Little Lake District

General Notes
Registration for walkers between 06.30 & 07.45, runners between 08.00 & 08.45. Entrants must wear/carry clothing suitable for harsh moorland terrain in winter conditions, carrying map, compass, whistle, torch, waterproofs, first aid kit, food, drink & a mug. Random equipment checks shall be applied & entrants failing to comply will be disqualified. Retirements at roadside Cps only. NO DOGS allowed - strictly enforced. Runners can only do the long route, whilst walkers can do either long or short. See website for route description
Ian Wardle Tel: 07952673357
Start and Finish

Entry Details:

Entry: £12, non LDWA £18 incl refreshments at Cps, food at the finish & a cert


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Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.

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