An Old Trout Revisited

After all the snow of recent weeks we were not too sure if we would be able to get out walking at all, let alone tackle Kentmere Horseshoe!  Dave had the challenge of checking out the route for us all a couple of days before - ably assisted by Caroline!  Because the snow was extremely deep (thigh high) still on the ridges it was decided prudent to take a more gentle approach including Wansfell and Ambleside, Loughrigg and Grasmere.

Some of us it must be said sighed with relief!

It was a glorious sunny day if a little misty when we set off from Troubeck, winding our way through the lanes beside the Church to head up for Wansfell.  Wansfell was fine on this sheltered, gentle side, but pretty chilly on the top and somewhat icy on the steep side down into Ambleside. So we took it steady - or slid on our bottoms depending on our gravity success rate!

After a quick pit stop in Ambleside some of us set off towards Rydal Hall.  Some others got a bit misplaced but with modern technology (well, my old phone at any rate) we managed to recover the missing party.  Coffee in the sunshine at Rydal Hall was followed by a walk up the slopes of Loughrigg.

Although cold, it was the first bright day of spring and every man, his brother, sister, auntie and puppy were all out on Loughrigg today.  It was nice to see people having fun.  We lunched on the summit and then wound our way down to Millens Park and crossed Ambleside to return to Troutbeck via Jenkin's Crag. 

Thanks to Dave or organising a great day out and espeically for changing the route at the last minute - never easy.  And it was good to see a few new faces this time - hope to see you all again soon.

Looking over Windermere to Coniston Fells
Along Robin Lane, towards Troutbeck