Two Roses Way - Part 6 - AKA The End

Pendle Hill Close to the End of Two Roses Way

After the challenges of Part 5, this last section of this 100 mile route was to prove comparatively relaxing.

After some initial level walking over rather damp fields, we had a climb up Longridge Fell to make sure we were still all awake.  We got to the top just as the rain arrived (becoming a feature on this walk!) so we managed to avoid most of it by having a coffee stop in the conifer trees - they can be very cosy on days like this - or is that just me and my imagination.  (If you imagine Richard Gear or someone equally cute is with you it helps!)

It was then all downhill (or at least that's what I told em!) to reach Hurst Green, the rather pretty village and home of course of Stonyhurst College.  I had pre-planned a pub lunch stop, so it was great to arrive just as the roaring log fire was getting going.  We settled in for about a hour and a quarter with beer, wine and lovely food - in fact it was a struggle to go back into the rain again!

However, after twenty minutes or so of drizzle, the forecast 'relentless rain' gave way to beautiful blue skies and we dried out in no time with exceptionally nice October weather for the rest of the walk.

As we approached Walley and the end, it was great to see that ultimate view of Pendle - the great hill which we had spent the last 100 miles walking up to, beyond and around.  It had been a real feature of the route and it was fitting to see it in all it's glory at the end.

And yes, despite the lunch, we still managed a quick tea shop stop at the end - just how greedy are we!

Well done to all who completed the whole route, and anyone wanting to borrow the book to finish off odd sections, you are very welcome - but having done it twice now I'll not be attached to it!



The Final Tea Shop (well for today at any rate)