Two Roses Way Part 3

I wasn't expecting this snow!

It was with some relief that the leaders found the snow (which had presented such a challenge whilst checking out the route three weeks ago) had all melted.  It was a dry, bright day so what more could we ask for! 

The route crosses the access moorland above Rylstone and visits the Cracoe War Memorial - fittingly shrouded in mist just as we arrived.  After a long hawl across the moorland, the snowdrops of Linton in Wharfdale looked even more beautiful today. 

Lunch was sabbotaged by a rain shower and about 30 hungry ducks who decided they like cheese n pickle even more than we do!  There are two very amusing white ducks if you ever have time to lunch in Linton, they are very entertaining running on their long legs.  And they like banana but not lager (which is something I suppose).

The afternoon stretches over the moors to Malham, with wonderful views back towards Pendle and the earlier stages of this six day trek.  We enjoyed sunshine some of the way, and tried to enjoy a steep section.  One farm asked us not to loiter - which led to an interesting discussion about what loitering actualy involved (we concluded teenagers in hoodies, chewing gum and a bored expression!).

The descent into Malham was made even more exciting by the arrival beside the rather marvellous hot dog stand near the entrance to Goredale Scar.  After we had made pigs of ourselves we enjoyed the final stretch down beside waterfalls and tumbling becks into Malham. 

A triathlon had been taking place there that day - but hey, they weren't as tired as us!


Duck with Attitude  - Linton lunch stop