Historical information - overview

Visitors to the area in which the EBB100 takes place, and probably quite a number of local inhabitants too, are maybe unaware of the rich history of this region. To further your knowledge and to add to your enjoyment as you follow the route, our Event Organiser has assembled a wide collection of historical facts and information for each of the route sections.

The historical information for each section is also available in pdf format for you to download and take with you on the walk.

Just select the appropriate link below to take you to the route section of interest.

Moseley to Northfield
Northfield to Rubery
Rubery to Alvechurch
Alvechurch to Tanworth
Tanworth-in-Arden to Henley-in-Arden

The following are in preparation - coming soon
Section 6 - Henley-in-Arden to Aston Cantlow
Section 7 - Aston Cantlow to Stratford-upon-Avon
Section 8 - Stratford-upon-Avon to Norton Lindsey
Section 9 - Norton Lindsey to Warwick
Section 10 - Warwick to Kenilworth
Section 11 - Kenilworth to Coventry
Section 12 - Coventry to Meriden
Section 13 - Meriden to Barston
Section 14 - Barston to Solihull
Section 15 - Solihull to Hay Mills
Section 16 - Hay Mills to Moseley