
Newsletter - June 2024

Hi everyone, Let's begin by congratulating Duncan Baber and John Sreeves for completing the Speyside 100. Congratulations and commiserations in equal measure to Paula Jones, Dave Purdy, Lucy Robins for getting as far as you did before retiring. Likewise Andy Todd who took part in the marshals…

Newsletter - May 2024

Hi everyone, I hope those of you who volunteered at Sunday's Pewsey Downsaround (PDA) are suitably recovered following your stints either at HQ or at the checkpoints. It was lovely to see so many of you as I walked the 17-mile route. I volunteered to assist Paul Hopkins at registration, which…

Newsletter - April 2024

Hi everyone, As we begin another month of walking, please spare a thought for those fellow members and friends who are having a tough time of it at present. Despite you not being out on walks, you are always in our thoughts, and we look forward to seeing you soon. In this month's newsletter: …

Newsletter - March 2024

Hi everyone, Don't panic! I haven't forgotten you. This retirement lark is really quite full-on at the moment. Having been traumatised by Andy's recent walk out of Hungerford, I spent Saturday leading my Ramblers group around the Monopoly Board squares in London. At least there wasn't any mud. It…

Newsletter - February 2024

Hi everyone, In this month's newsletter: A roundup of what we discussed during our recent committee meeting; Details of the Pewsey Downsaround (PDA), including Janette's delicious cheese flapjack recipe; Details of a 50-mile group walk organised by Andy; Fncy a trip to Scotland in the Spring?; and…

Newsletter - January 2024

Happy New Year! Hi everyone, Welcome to a new year of long distance walking. I'll begin by wishing you all a happy new year, and thank those you who attended our Annual General Meeting, xmas meal and walk. It was lovely seeing so many friends in the Bear Hotel in Devizes. Thanks too, to Andy Todd…

Newsletter - December 2023

  Seasons' greetings from the committee of the Wiltshire LDWA   Hi everyone,   In this month's newsletter: Annual General Meeting, Xmas Meal and Walk LDWA Local Groups' Weekend; and Forthcoming Walks         Annual General Meeting, Xmas Meal and Walk   A reminder that our Annual General Meeting…

Newsletter - November 2023

Congratulations and Celebrations! Hi everyone, Let me start by congratulating Sue Farrant and John Sreeves, who (separately) completed the 500-mile Camino Frances (French Way) long distance 'pilgrimage' earlier this year, from St. Jean-Pied-De-Port in France, traversing the Pyrenees and continuing…

Newsletter - October 2023

Hi everyone, Apologies for the late publication of this newsletter once again. It's been rather busy of late. Luckily, with retirement rapidly approaching, I'm only working through my exit process! I'd have no time at all if I actually had to do anything worthwhile! I took part in the 25-mile…

Newsletter - September 2023

Hi everyone, Apologies for the late publication of this newsletter. Shortly after returning home from a fabulous walking holiday in the Austrian Tirol, I began to feel unwell. I finally tested positive for COVID-19 on Friday. The good news is that my recovery appears to be equally swift, which I…

Newsletter - August 2023

Hi everyone, Once again, things appear to be relatively quiet at the moment. Not just within the group. My local Royal Mail delivery office is so short staffed, my Strider(s) still haven't arrived. I hope you're enjoying reading yours already! The highlight of last month was our walk to remember…

Newsletter - July 2023

Hi everyone, I haven't got very much to share with you this month. Our next committee meeting appears to be scheduled for this coming Monday, July 3rd. I'm going to suggest that we hold it offline on this occasion. By way of a warm down from the Elephant, Bear and Bull 100, I was invited to join…