50th Anniversary and Post-100 Get-Together - Sunday 9 June

As recently mentioned in the last Newsletter, this year the Kent Group celebrates its 50th Anniversary.

We are looking forward to celebrating this event, alongside our traditional post-100 get-together, which we will host again this year in Ryarsh on Sunday 9th June.

The details are as follows:

Social Walk – led by David. Approx. 7.9ml. Starts 09.30 Ryarsh Village Hall car park ME19 5LS TQ670599. Circular hilly walk with 900 ft of ascent, returning to the village hall around 12.30-13.00. C: David Thornton T: 07514 570847 E: david.thornton1011@hotmail.com.

CateringThe pot-luck/bring-a-dish system works so well, and we will continue to do the same this year. Please bring one dish to share (enough for about twice the number of people in your party) something you are pleased to make, or buy and that you enjoy. The committee will be providing the cake and hot drinks, for which we need to have numbers! 

If you intend on joining us for the walk and/or lunch, please RSVP to helenldwa@gmail.com by midnight Friday 31st May.

Many thanks for your cooperation and we look forward to seeing you on the day.