Test Page Only (mh)

Tue 1st Apr 2025

Walk Details:

Event Details Updated
Stop Press should be used only for regular text. These characters seem to be ok : - " ( _ ) & % # @ '. Use only the apostrophe for a single quote and avoid the long dash, otherwise the contents may fail to appear.
Event Type
Group Walk
Southern England
Local Group
Location should be used only for regular text. Details appear on the page as the first line of Route. If you leave the Location field empty the contents of the Route section are shown in brackets

The Route section permits formatting, emoji characters and fragments of HTML script.
Some knowledge of HTML coding would be helpful for items marked **.

You can use the code for the pound sign in the Route section, but you have to reset it each time you save the page.
£ £
Otherwise the symbol shows as:
£ £

Emojis: 🚌 🚅 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️

**You can include GPX and other files.

**You can display images:

General Notes
General Notes should be used only for regular text.

Entry Details:
