The Dorset Skyline Walk no 5

Sun 1st Sep 2024

Walk Details:

Event Type
Group Walk
Southern England
Local Group
Start Time
This is a circular walk taking in Eggardon Hill (252m), Corscombe Hill (250m) & Toller Down (252m). Park at the west end of Shatcombe Lane near Eggardon Hill, as indicated by the parking & picnic bench symbols on the OS Explorer map. This is the fifth walk in the “Skyline” series of Dorset Daisies. The Daisies are 16 hills 250 metres or higher in Dorset. One of the 16 is actually marked as 249 metres, but there is some dispute. The hills were identified by the Ramblers. They were named the Dorset Daisies by John during a conversation with Jan. Many know Daisy from previous group walks. Mike Childs put together a linear route which he called “The Dorset Skyline Walk”.
Start and Finish

Entry Details:



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Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.

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