Walk Leaders: Registering who takes part in your walk

This text below in grey is reproduced from LDWA's Guideline document "Leading Local Group Social Walks - Brief Guidelines for Social Walk Leaders - August 2022"

"Complete the Social Walk Register Form listing those on the walk

For members, record their membership number and for visitors record their name and some contact details, e.g. address, email address or phone number.

(Our insurers require that those on a walk may be contactable in the event of a claim.) ... The form should be returned to the group secretary after completion; it will be stored securely for seven years."

In other words, its really quite important to record who attends your walk.


Download the Register Form, Complete, and email to C&D Secretary

Open in browser to print or download the Social Walk Register Template here (in pdf format) fill it in with a pen on the day, take an image of it on your phone and email to the C&D Secretary (cornwallanddevon@ldwa.org.uk)

Or, download the Social Walk Register Template here (in docx format - for Microsoft Office users) edit in MS Word, save a copy and send to the C&D Secretary


* new feature under development *

Or, you can open a copy of the form in your phone, fill it in electronically using Google Docs, save the copy to your phone, then email to the C&D Secretary (cornwallanddevon@ldwa.org.uk)

Open the Social Walk Register Template here (in docx format)

NB when you see the message on the screen "Would you like to make a copy of the Cornwall & Devon Walk Registration Template? click Make a copy and then use Google Docs to complete the form, save it on your phone and then email the C&D Secretary.