Chagford Challenge 2024

34th Chagford Challenge

Please Note - we have yet to receive confirmation from the Park Authority that this event can go ahead. Please treat this date as Provisional

Once a final decision is made, we will be emailing all Cornwall and Devon Members with the outcome

Notwithstanding, the Chagford Jubilee Hall has been booked for Sunday 15th September 2024 


This event is open to both walkers and runners.

There will be four routes of 8, 17, 24 and 30 miles approximately

Routes will be published in paper and GPX format closer the date (the extreme wet weather means that there may be delays in finalising them)

Unfortunately, no dogs will be permitted (conditions of our access to lands)

Light refreshments at checkpoints; warm food at the end

Enter through SIEntries

A full list of rules and guidelines for the event can be downloaded here.

Entrants are required to download a copy of the route.

Entrants must be able to read a map, follow compass bearings and must have sufficient knowledge, experience, & equipment to take part in this event in all conditions - especially in the event of bad weather.

All routes are covered by the OS Explorer OL28 Dartmoor (1:25,000) or the OS Landranger 191 (1:50,000) Okehampton & North Dartmoor.

Because the routes have been agreed with the Dartmoor National Park Authority it is important that you keep to them at all times.

This is our most popular Challenge event, with people attending from all over the Southwest


These events can only take place with the help and support of volunteers (registration, car parking; Jubilee Hall catering, running checkpoints; sweeping).

If you are interested in helping, please email: saying how you might be willing to assist.

Dates for the Marshal's Walk are yet to be agreed.