Update from Secretary Sara

Update from Secretary Sara

The Irregulars LDWA

Good afternoon.

1.  The minutes of the May committee meeting are now accepted and available.  Just email me at saradyer_199@yahoo.com if you would like to see them.  The June minutes should be available later this week so let me know if you would like those as well.

2.  We are still hoping to hold the 2021 AGM at the Leggars on August 22nd so please put this date in your diary.  Confirmation of the venue and formal information will follow.

3.  We have had some expressions of interest from people about the roles of Secretary, Walks Secretary and committe member without portfolio but are always happy to receive more in order to make the committee as representative as possible.  If you would llike to stand or would like to nominate someone else for a position please get in touch with me by Friday 23rd July.

It was good to go on an Irregular walk this week and see some of you again - it gives Vera some respite from my moaning about sore feet anyway. Those who were there will realise that Vera and I have had a very decadent time with an 8:30 (ish!) start and multiple refreshment stops - we've felt it was important to support the local economy.  Hope to see more of you in the coming weeks.




The Irregulars LDWA - http://www.ldwa.org.uk/TheIrregulars