The Irregulars LDWA Future Walks Program.

The Irregulars LDWA Future Walks Program.

The Irregulars LDWA

Talking to members and some walk leaders, I have been asked as to where to find our program on the LDWA webpage, as not all our walks are listed on the site.

Try the following: 

Go to Google or whichever search engine you use.

Type in:- The Irregulars LDWA Future Event

At the top of the page, you will see in blue: The Irregulars LDWA  - Future Events.

Click on this Blue heading and it will take you to our full and up-to-date Web page listings. 

I hope you can now all enjoy our comprehensive program of walks and events. 

If you would like to see your name on the list of walk leaders, please let me know which date you would like to lead us. 

Mike Colley.
Walks Secretary. 

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