The Irregulars AGM

The Irregulars AGM

The Irregulars LDWA



The Annual General Meeting of The Irregulars will take place on Sunday, March 26 2023 at The Leggars Inn, Mill Street E, Dewsbury, WF12 9BD.  It will start at 2.30 following a walk in the morning and a meal. (Details to follow)

At the meeting, officers and committee members will be elected for the coming year..  John Whitworth has decided not to seek re-election and therefore a new chair is required.  If you are interested a proposer and seconder are required.  If more than one person is interested, a ballot will take place at the meeting.

Sue England has indicated that she is willing to continue as treasurer for the coming year, and Lesley Wolsey is willing to stand for secretary.  However, if other members are interested in these positions they can put themselves forward.

Some members of the committee have also decided not to continue in their roles and therefore there are vacancies on the committee.  Again, expressions of interest will be welcome.

All meetings are via zoom and so no travelling is required!  You can sit in the comfort of your own home.  The role of the committee is to run the group on behalf of its members.  If you want to have a say, please join us.  

More documentation for the meeting will be sent out in due course.


if you would like more information or want to express interest in joining the committee, please contact me.



Interim secretary

The Irregulars LDWA -