Julie's Clock

Julie's Clock

Dorset LDWA


Hi All,

Please see the message from Deirdre below and click on the link to see a picture of the clock:

Message:  Julie's Bardswell's retirement gift

As many of you will know, Julie retired from the committee at the last AGM after many years' service. We should have presented her gift then, but for various reason it did not happen, and then there were more unavoidable delays. I finally managed to get the gift to Julie earlier this year - a clock for her garden wall. Julie wrote to us then to express her appreciation, and has now sent a lovely photo of the clock in situ - admirably hung by Phil! Here it is.

I hope you and your family/friends are all well, perhaps managing some walking, and not feeling too frustrated with the current limitations.

Deirdre Flegg



Please do not reply directly to this email as it is from an unmonitored email account used for outgoing messages only.

Pat Clifton

Group Secretary

Dorset LDWA - http://www.ldwa.org.uk/Dorset