Cerne Giant - Update for Volunteers

Cerne Giant - Update for Volunteers

Dorset LDWA

Thanks for helping the Dorset Group to manage our Cerne Giant event on Sunday 22 March. Here is a link to the final organisation plan for the event:

This includes times when you are required and grid references of checkpoints. If you have any questions please let me know at   (DO NOT reply directly to this email). Chris will be in charge of the event on the day (note the emergency landline number at Cerne Abbas in the plan), but I will deal with any of your advance queries.


We obviously have to monitor the developing situation regarding Covid-19 virus and even be prepared to postpone the event if necessary, as we did with Doddle West, but at the moment the event is going ahead. For all volunteers - we are taking additional hygiene precautions  - here is a link to instructions:

For those helping in the kitchen at HQ and at checkpoints, here is a link to the general food safety and checkpoint hygiene instructions, which we follow for all events: 

Please follow both sets of instructions carefully.


Please will the following let me know if they have changed their mobile number in the last year - these are people who we might need to contact who are out and about - I have numbers stored but just need to be sure I have them up-to-date: Anne, Alan, Steve H, Steve M, Debbie, Bill, Chris, Peter C, Pete S, Brian T, Jan


I will be sending separate additional instructions to sweepers with the final route descriptions.


Parking advice for those helping at Lyscombe Chapel or picking up retirements there: Volunteers can drive right down to the chapel, but parking is limited.  If you are not happy going down the rough track then you can park on the green area just off the Cheselbourne - Piddletrenthide road and walk down. There is an information board there. No supporters allowed.


Here's hoping for good weather and a successful event which I'm sure will take our minds off the current turmoil!


Martin C

07775 302253

Please do not reply directly to this email as it is from an unmonitored email account used for outgoing messages only.

Pat Clifton

Group Secretary

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