Proposed Dorset LDWA Group Trip

Proposed Dorset LDWA Group Trip

Dorset LDWA

Please see the message from Colin Utting below:


 I am intending to organise a walking trip to Snowdonia at the end of September, the details of which will be as follows.

The Walks

  • I will be leading walks that involve a small amount of scrambling.   i.e. the day would be mainly spent walking, but there would be short scrambles joining the sections of walk.  This however does mean that all the people on the walk would need to be happy undertaking a grade 1 scramble; anybody who has done Crib Goch or any route up Tryfan (other than South Ridge Path) would not have a problem.
  • If you are unsure of your ability, please drop me an email and I can advise.  As most of you are aware I am a qualified Mountain Leader and will be able to help anybody who is struggling to get up a particular slope.
  • If other members wish to come on the trip and undertake less demanding walks they would be welcome.  I can provide suggested routes, but somebody would need to lead these walks.


  • It is proposed to travel to Snowdonia on Thursday 24th September, stopping for a short walk on the way.
  • It is proposed to travel back on Monday 28th September.
  • We will have full day walks on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  The Sunday walk will have an option to finish at lunch time allowing those who have work on Monday to travel back in the afternoon.

Eligibility, Accommodation & Cost

  • The trip will be open to all Dorset LDWA Primary Members.  The Committee has agreed in principle that some subsidy will be provided for members.  If there is space other people who regularly walk with the group may be invited, they will not however receive the same subsidy.
  • It is proposed to book some group accommodation, depending on numbers this will probably be in a hostel or lodge.  We would have sole use of a lodge.  A hostel would be shared with others, but we could ensure that we have LDWA member only bedrooms.  All group accommodation is likely to involve some shared bedrooms.
  • If you prefer you can make your own arrangements to stay at a local B&B/Hotel/Campervan and meet us for the walks.
  • The group accommodation is likely to have cooking facilities so we could prepare a group or individual meals.  There are also of course options to go out to eat.
  • The cost of accommodation is hard to predict until I know numbers and availability but is likely to between £100 and £200 per head for 4 nights accommodation.  Food and travel would be extra.


If you are interested in this holiday please can you let me know by the end of February, and provide the details below.  You are not committing to anything yet, I just want to get an idea of numbers so I can investigate accommodation options.  In early March I will determine available accommodation and be asking those who have shown an interest to commit to going on the holiday or not.  However, if you do not express an interest now, there may not be room for you on the trip.

  • Do you want to stay in group accommodation or make your own arrangements?
  • Do you want to go on the lead walks involving a small amount of scrambling?



07775 853360


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Pat Clifton

Group Secretary

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