Dorset LDWA: Cinque Ports 100 volunteers

Dorset LDWA: Cinque Ports 100 volunteers

Dorset LDWA

1. Dorset Group volunteers on the main event,  26-28 May 2018

You may have seen the general (national) appeal from the Cinque Ports 100 team for more volunteers. I have checked with my contact on the team and you do not need to respond if you are ONLY helping us at our checkpoint at Capel-le-ferne. If you have received this email that includes you! But if you interested in volunteering at the start or finish for the Hastings and Dover HQs, or other checkpoints, or on the marshals' walk, please respond direct, but it would be useful for me as secretary to know who is doing what so we have got a clear picture for the group at the AGM. I'm aware that some have already volunteered elsewhere on the event, so perhaps you could give me the details.

2. Dorset Group entries on the marshals' event, 5-7 May 2018.

I sent an email to volunteers (who are helping on the main event) a while back about submitting a joint Dorset Group application to enter the marshals' event. I have now agreed a method of application with the Cinque Ports events secretary because some were worried about applications being timed out (this only relates to the marshals' event). On Monday 9 October (not allowed before) I will be sending the entries secretary a list, with qualifiers and e-mail addresses. This will be sufficient to secure your application (assuming you have a valid qualifier), and he will then e-mail you with the form for you to return. If you want to participate in this method of application, please can you let me know at
and give me the following information:-

email address
qualifying event

You do NOT need to do this (and you DON'T need to reply to me)  if you just want to submit your application in the normal way (as described in the rules). It is probable that all valid applications will be accepted and they will increase the entry limit if necessary, but to be fair to other groups this cannot be guaranteed.

Martin Callow
Group Secretary
Dorset Group
Long Distance Walkers Association
07775 302253


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