Has anyone got a field or space in a large garden to leave a caravan for a few weeks next May?

Has anyone got a field or space in a large garden to leave a caravan for a few weeks next May?

Dorset LDWA

Mike - please send out to the group.


On the 100 marshals, a couple from Staffs are coming down to run the CP at Netherbury. They are bringing their caravan which they will sleep in before their long shift.


After the marshals, they then return to Staffs, and come down again for the main event, when Tim will be walking and Denise will be helping Cornwall and Devon at Loders.


They are searching for somewhere to leave their caravan between the two events, so they don’t have to do two double journeys towing it. On the main event they have found a site near Martinstown.


Does anyone know of a field, or have some space, where they could leave their caravan for 4 weeks? 


If so, let me know and I will put you in touch.

Deirdre deirdre@flegg21.plus.com

Dorset LDWA - http://www.ldwa.org.uk/Dorset