mugs for the 100

mugs for the 100

Dorset LDWA

Mike-please circulate.




Dear Tea drinking walkers (and the rest),


At the end of the Dorset 100 we would like to give people tea in ‘proper pottery mugs’. (This is not practical at the start with huge numbers, when we shall use polystyrene. I don’t want walkers  to start off with dirty mugs). Our HQ does not have mugs, and Jan Williams has suggested that we should ask around for old or surplus ones which people might like to donate.


If everyone found a couple from the back of their cupboards (or more if possible) this would meet the need. Jan has offered to store them until the day, and then donate to a charity shop after the event.


If you have spare pottery mugs, please bring along to a walk and give to Jan if she is there, or me, or if neither, a member of the committee.


Many thanks! The brighter the better!


Best wishes





PS No jokes now...

Dorset LDWA -