bulk email test

bulk email test

Dorset LDWA

OK, lets see how all this works.


i have copied  the text of my earlier email into this message (below) 


Following the AGM IT  workshop,  I am going to try out the LDWA bulk email facility,  using the  “customised”  list facility.


I am initially setting up a test list,  just for committee members . so that if it all goes wrong, we are the guinea pigs.


So I will send out a test email today. Let me know if you do (or don’t)  receive it. 


One issue which I do not really know how to deal with,  is the small number of Dorset  LDWA members  who have checked the “ no email address”   box on the LDWA Local Groups Admin site.  Some of these  members actually do have an email address and want me to use it .  If the bulk email  custom  list works OK ,  I am not going to run another private  list* using Outlook  to include this  tiny minority. *it just gets too confusing .   I think it is up to them to update their entry on the LDWA membership list.   (I will notify them of this )


I  do not yet know how easy it will be to forward emails using the bulk email custom list.  If this is a problem……



Dorset LDWA - http://www.ldwa.org.uk/Dorset