LDWA walk this Sunday in the Purbecks

LDWA walk this Sunday in the Purbecks

Dorset LDWA

Dear All,

This Sunday’s walk – 13 August 2023

I am really pleased to let you know that John W has agreed to lead from the same start point
this Sunday. The walk will be 18 miles, via Smedmore Hill, Swyre, Kingston, Houns Tout,
Hill Bottom, St Aldhem's missing out the steps, Winspit, Worth, Purbeck Way to Corfe, ridge
back to start.

Pat will lead her walk on her route as planned in the Autumn.

Many thanks to John for filling this gap and best wishes to Pat for a speedy recovery.

Dorset Walks Secretary


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Dorset LDWA - http://www.ldwa.org.uk/Dorset