*Dorset Group Secretary Vacancy*

*Dorset Group Secretary Vacancy*

Dorset LDWA

                                                Vacancy for Dorset Group Secretary 

Dear Dorset member,

I will be writing to you shortly to ask for your nominations for committee members and group officers, prior to our AGM in December. Any primary member, with their agreement, can be nominated to be an ordinary committee member or for any officer role on the committee.

The purpose of this email is to let you know that I will be standing down from the position of Group Secretary at this year’s AGM. I have been in this post for 4 years and, in accordance with our Group constitution, a replacement secretary is needed. Group Secretary is one of the three officer roles which need to be filled for our group to continue to exist, the other two being Group Chair and Group Treasurer.

                             So please consider whether you could take on this role.

Before I took over, I had no experience of being any sort of secretary and knew very little about how the LDWA operates. Although I know a bit more now, I am certainly no expert. It is important to remember this is a voluntary role and it just requires someone to do the essentials to keep our Group running. Beyond that, how much you wish to get involved with group or national LDWA activities, is entirely up to you.

A major part of the Group Secretary’s role is to take part in committee meetings and the AGM, sending out the agendas and writing up the minutes. Committee meetings have been online since the pandemic and take place roughly every two months. In addition, there are some emails, which need a response and others to be sent out on the bulk email system, but they do not require a big time commitment.

If you have even a vague idea that you could help out the group by doing this, and would like to know more, please contact me by emailing:


or call for a chat on 07811630432.

I hope to hear from you soon!

Best wishes,



Please do not reply directly to this email, as it is from an unmonitored email account used for outgoing messages only.

Pat Clifton

Dorset Group Secretary

Dorset LDWA - http://www.ldwa.org.uk/Dorset