Request for your views following Calderdale meeting held on 19-11-19

Request for your views following Calderdale meeting held on 19-11-19

Calderdale LDWA

To all Calderdale members

This email is a request for your views in respect of the IT workshop funding summery held at the Local Group Reps weekend, in which two Calderdale members attended. Minutes for the rest of the meeting will be sent in due course.

Issues you are asked to consider, to raise much needed funds to enable he website to be re-designed and become more attractive to new members.

  • Cost of producing Strider and whether members still want this in a paper format
  • Local group donations, to assist the cost of updating the LDWA website
  • Adverts to spread the word about events to be put in other areas and formats
  • Should we consider fund raising or charging non members more to raise funds for the website
  • Should there be 'special events' and if so how are they special
  • Should LDWA charge advertisers who advertise their events through LDWA
  • Consideration to raising subscription fees, this would provide a further £10,000 for a year
  • Could the LDWA obtain charitable status, this would allow the LDWA to raise 25% as tax could be reclaimed
  • Consider people offering bequests
  • Could meeting be held via Skype to reduce costs from expensive venues currently used for NEC business 

It is not possible (as far as i know) to attach the full document to this list, however if anyone requires their own copy please email me and i will scan and send or post you a copy


There is a further Calderdale meeting to discuss these issues further on 28th Jan 2020 at the usual place 

Calderdale LDWA -