Calling all bakers!

Calling all bakers!

Dorset LDWA

Dear All,

We are hosting the Cerne Giant Challenge on 22nd March and I am looking for offers to produce something home-baked, to keep 200 hungry walkers fed. Could you bake something? It can be sweet or savoury, freshly made, or baked ahead and frozen. We pay £5 per medium sized bake to cover your costs.

Please let me know using the email address below:

  • if you can bake something
  • what you intend making
  • roughly how many pieces it will make
  • when you could deliver it / have it collected
  • if you could provide freezer space (should it be needed)

It's time to put into practice all those ideas gleaned from watching Bake Off!

We are always complimented for the quality of our home-made food, so let's make this year just as good if not better.


Many thanks,

Anne Brown

Dorset LDWA Walks Secretary


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