Bulk Email problem

Bulk Email problem

Dorset LDWA

Dear All,

Some members have advised me that they do not receive all the emails that are sent out from Dorset LDWA to members. This problem seems to have  worsened since the launch of the new website.

Does this affect you ? Do you know of another member who is affected? Obviously it's difficult to contact people if they are not receiving emails, so could I ask each of you to contact any members by phone / Facebook / speak to them please. If they have a problem, tell them to get in touch with me using the email below, and give permission for me to pass their email on to the National LDWA website team to diagnose the problem.

The emails that have been sent in the last month were dated: 24th Sept, 22nd Sept, 20th Sept, 15th Sept, 11th Sept and 3rd Sept (3 emails)

Many thanks,

Anne Brown

Dorset LDWA Walks Secretary



Do not reply directly to this email as it is from an un-monitored account.

Dorset LDWA - http://www.ldwa.org.uk/Dorset