
Hello and welcome to the North of Scotland local group page of the LDWA.

We are a very enthusiastic group, serving a large area in the north of Scotland, roughly everything north of a line between Aberdeen and the Isle of Mull, including the Western Isles, Orkney and Shetland 

We not only welcome members and guests from our area, but also visitors from further afield to this far flung corner of the country which offers so much in the way of walking in areas steeped in whisky and wildlife, history and culture, geology, landscape and sport.

We offer at least one group walk each month advertised in Strider, and aim to have some social walks in-between advertised on our local group page.  Our walks are being specially planned to offer participants a range of walking experiences from coast to Corbett and from river to glen.

As always throughout the LDWA guests are welcome to 'try us out' and see how they enjoy our events, but as walks which have limited numbers offer places to LDWA members first, then if you do think LDWA is for you it is recommended that you join, not only to access our local walks but also to benefit from the other things that membership of LDWA offers.

If you like what you see here then please also visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/NofScotLDWA43 for up to date news and discussion and don't hesitate to contact any of us to find out more, make walk suggestions or even offer support.  You will always be welcome. We also have a What's App group which you are welcome to join, it is useful for car sharing which we encourage and other information.

Thank you from your North of Scotland local group committee

Graham, Alison, Lorna, Julie, Pete, Jan, John, Bea, Roger and Karen