Welcome to the website of the East Yorkshire group of the LDWA

East Yorkshire is one of 43 groups throughout the country that represent the Long Distance Walkers Association at local level. The group was founded in Beverley in 1982. We currently have 188 primary members and a further 427 associate members, who are primary members of another group.

Group Social Walks

We hold group social walks every Wednesday starting at 8.30am, with occasional walks on other days. Group walks are typically between 16 miles and 22 miles – shorter in winter, longer in summer. Our walks are not limited to East Yorkshire, but often extend into North Yorkshire or, sometimes, North Lincolnshire. Each walk has a walk leader, who knows the route, and there are typically two, sometimes three, short breaks for refreshments. Walks are at a decent, but not excessive pace, usually averaging 2.5 to 3 miles per hour over the day (including breaks). No-one gets left behind!

You can find the walk programme on the Future Events page, with the next few walks also listed at the bottom, right-hand corner of this page. Our walks are open to all LDWA members, irrespective of where they live. Non-members, who may be considering joining the LDWA, are welcome to join us for a couple of walks before joining. All walkers are guaranteed a warm welcome and a good day’s walking in the fresh air. We want you to feel, at the end of each walk, that you’ve had an enjoyable day out in the countryside with like-minded people and that you are looking forward to the next one.

You can view photos from some of our recent walks at the bottom of this page. To view previous walks, see the Group Activities tab above.

Walks Secretary and Walk Leaders

We have a Walks Secretary who aims to ensure that we have a full programme and liaises with members who are thinking about leading a walk. Walk Leaders are volunteers, without whom there would be no walks programme, so expressions of interest in becoming a future Walk Leader are always welcome. Walk Leaders are ultimately responsible for planning and recceing the route, determining break times and locations. They also ensure that the group follows the agreed route, walks at an appropriate pace and does so in a safe and enjoyable manner. If you are able to lead a walk, then please get in touch with the Walks Secretary by email to eastyorkshire.walks@ldwa.org.uk


Challenge Events

We organise three Challenge Walks throughout the year, where entrants can test themselves mentally and physically, on routes with defined checkpoints, within a specified maximum time limit. One of our challenge events – the 50-mile Woldsman – is a qualifier for the LDWA’s annual flagship event, the “Hundred”. LDWA Challenge Walks are open to all, although there may be restrictions on persons under 18 years of age. Entry fees cover downloadable written route description, GPX file, refreshments at checkpoints, a certificate and badge for all who have taken part. Challenge walks can be over-subscribed, so book early to avoid disappointment. Details and entry forms can be found on the Challenge Walks page with payment via BACS or cheque, but BACS preferred. If you require further details, please email the entry secretary as detailed on the relevant entry form.


Our group is run by a committee of volunteers, whose details can be found here.

Our most recent AGM was held on 15 May 2023, the minutes of which can be read here.

The East Yorkshire LDWA Constitution (2015) may be found here.

Social Media

In addition to this website, we have an active Facebook group. To join, either use the Facebook button at the top of this page or search Facebook for “East Yorkshire LDWA Group”. Then click ‘join’ and you’ll be a part of our growing on-line community.

You can also follow us on Instagram.

Photos from some recent walks

There's Only One F in Fridaythorpe - 12 June 2024

A Post-Hundred Meander - 29 May 2024

Esk Valley Walk (loop) - 18 May 2024

Bainton West - 15 May 2024

Why The Long Face? - 13 April 2024

Welburn Revisited - 10 April 2024

Is West best? - 3 April 2024