

Welcome to the home page of Wessex LDWA, which now incorporates our friends from over the Solent, namely the former Isle of Wight LDWA Group.

The Long Distance Walkers Association welcomes all those interested in walking for pleasure and fitness to our website. The Wessex group walks cover footpaths over all terrains over a large area of Southern England mainly centred on Hampshire but regularly including areas of adjoining counties. Our popular social walks are held twice monthly (usually the 2nd and 4th Sundays), a shorter walk of 12-15 miles on the second weekend and a longer walk of 16-22 miles on the fourth weekend, and they sometimes include a pub stop of approx. 1 hour for refreshments/lunch. Click or tap the 'Walk Programme' link above to see details of our current walks. These walks are primarily for members, but non-members are very welcome to join us as a step to becoming a member should they find the experience to their liking. If you have any questions relating to the group's activities, please contact the group's Secretary at wessex.secretary@ldwa.org.uk for more specific details.

The Group has a ‘no dogs’ policy on all our walks.
However, Assistance Dogs are permitted.

The group also organizes walking weekends away in other areas of the country at least once per year. Organized on a group booking basis, these represent excellent value for money.


In addition to our varied social walk programme, the group usually organizes Challenge walks, investigate the Wessex Challenge link above.