Coffee & Cake Amber Valley Adventure – Staging for Jean

Sat 21st Sep 2024

Walk Details:

Event Type
Group Walk
Region / Area
Central England / Amber Valley
Local Group
Anytime Anywhere
Start Time
Ambergate Rlwy Stn c.p. (£1.50 pay and display), Ambergate, Derbyshire DE56 2EN

This linear route, in memory of the late Jeff Parr, special friend, prolific walker, conscientious organiser & long-standing LDWA member, known to so many & greatly missed, now receives an annual outing; or two! This is a spectacular & fun route that ascends through woodland to reach Crich, where coffee & cake can be taken at The Loaf, before rising still further to Crich Stand & then descending to the Cromford Canal, which is followed until heading off to Bow Wood, up Scarthin Rock, through Cromford, Scarthin & Matlock Bath, along Lover’s Walk, then over High Tor (Giddy Edge optional) & up to Pic Tor before finishing in Matlock to catch the train back

General Notes
Jean set off for the April outing, but on the way had a puncture & then her car was bashed at the local Sainsbury’s; no luck at all!
Tim Glenn Tel: 0115-922 1849 M: 07905 960793
Start and Finish

Entry Details:



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Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.

Accommodation within 20 km of this Event:

Hostel Accommodation
Bunk House