Next Walk:

Sunday 14th July: Dollar Hill Trail  
15miles. 09:00 Car park (Law Hill and Community Woodland) on Upperhillfoot Rd, above Hillfoot (Riding Centre) Farm (w3w cherry.qualify.swap). Map: LR 58 (GR NS970992). Good paths and trails, 3,800ft ascent. C: Iain Barclay. E:
Our programme of walks for the next few months is on our Future Events page.
We encourage car share and use of public transport. Please contact the walk leader direct if you require any assistance getting to the start point of a walk; it may be possible to be picked up elsewhere enroute to the start point of the walk.

See the Notes for Walkers before coming on your first walk with us

About the Group:

The Heart of Scotland Group of the Long Distance Walkers Association arranges walks roughly in the area of Perth & Kinross, Fife, Angus, Tayside and Stirling. At the moment we put on a social walk each month, see below. Walks vary from around 12 miles in the winter to over 20 miles in the summer at a reasonable pace and last 6-9 hours. Any member of the LDWA can walk with the group and new members are welcome to attend up to three walks before joining. If you want to join a walk you should contact the leader beforehand, by email or WhatsApp so we know whom to expect and can notify any last minute changes.

Communication is via this website, email and WhatsApp out to the group. About two weeks to 10 days before a walk, an email and text is sent out about the walk. Further updates will be sent prior to a walk, and the WhatsApp group can be used for last minute updates/changes by all. By providing your name and phone number, we assume that you want to be added to the WhatsApp group unless you tell us otherwise.The walks programme is also listed in Strider, the journal of the Long Distance Walkers Association, as well as on the main LDWA website. 

We have a dedicated Facebook Page at or via the icon at the top right corner of this page and this also holds details of the walks programme 

Offers to lead walks are very welcome, indeed we need a pool of walk leaders, so if you would like to lead a walk, or perhaps have a favourite walk that you would like to share, do please get in touch - contact Walks Secretary, Ken Falconer, E:; T: 01334 478507

WhatsApp Group 
The Heart of Scotland LDWA group now has a WhatsApp group which is only used for information and late changes about group walks. If you would like to join the group, please let the secretary know E:
Speyside Hundred 2024: 
Thanks to the group members who helped at the Tamdu checkpoint some 70.7 miles along the Speyside 100 route over the last weekend in May. The walkers really appreciated being well-looked after at the checkpoint, and the Heart of Scotland team had a great time running the checkpoint. 
Joint Walking Weekend with the North of Scotland Group - August  2024 
This event will take place on the 17-18th August 2024 in the Aberfeldy area. There will be a longer low level walk and a mountain walk over the weekend. Various accommodation options will be available. Group meal on the Saturday night. Email to follow outlining more information - if you want to be on the distribution list to receive these emails, please email Jo on
Privacy Notice
Those coming on walks should understand that any personal information submitted for any social walk will be held by the organisers and retained securely on the LDWA website for up to seven years after the walk has taken place. Non members consent to supplying contact details to facilitate a follow up to check whether they wish to become a member if the LDWA.The purpose of holding this information is to satisfy the requirements of the LDWA public liability insurance policy. You accept that photographs are likely to be taken during the walk, which may be featured in Strider magazine, group newsletters, on LDWA websites and on LDWA social media. You understand this will be held in perpetuity and you have the right to request deletion where it is physically possible for the LDWA to do so. Please see the Data Protection and Privacy User Guide on for more  for more information.