Social Walks Listing in Strider

Social Walks Listing in Strider

Wiltshire LDWA

Thank you to all of you who provided comments regarding the listing of social walks in strider. The comments were quite varied but I sent a summary of your comments to Graham Smith the editor of strider. Graham's response is below.


Many thanks, Bruce.
Let me assure you that there are NO plans to stop producing a print copy of Strider.
I think, to be safe, it is best to keep the Wiltshire Group listings in Strider.
I cannot stress enough that this is purely a consultation exercise. I am getting mixed views and my feeling right now is to keep group walks listings in Strider for those groups who want to keep them in. As there are some members of your group who are strongly against the idea, I think it best to keep them in, as I say. For those groups who say clearly that they have difficulty meeting Strider deadlines and no longer want the walks in Strider, then they need no longer have them in the magazine.
Best wishes, and stay safe.



Bruce Barclay

Walks Secretary

Wiltshire Group LDWA

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