Julie's Jabber - Back to the future

Julie's Jabber - Back to the future

London LDWA

There may be trouble ahead. but...


capital challnge skyling pic



...let's face the music and walk, or at least indulge in some future planning. With that in mind, where better to start that this positive message from Capital Challenge organiser Jean O'Reilly?


Capital Challenge 2021


An update on the Capital Challenge 2021: if and when social restrictions are sufficiently eased, we plan to offer the Capital Challenge as an anytime event this spring or summer. We're setting this up now but we won't list the event in SiEntries or open for registrations until we're sure of the dates. Registration will involve a small fee and the event will be restricted to LDWA members (because of insurance coverage) but we don't plan to limit the number of participants. We'll be using the new route that we'd planned to use last year. We also plan to run the Founders Challenge as an anytime event around the same time. I'll post updates here, and via our weekly newsletter and the National LDWA FB page. And folks can also contact me for updates by email at capitalchallenge@ldwa.org.uk.


Jean O'Reilly


Brompron cemetery cap challenge

Brompton Cemetery, featured on the route of Capital Challenge 2021





And while we're being determinedly positive, here's a couple of interesting links. The first was sent in by Tony Hobbs, who adds that, 'I do not reside in your region but intend to walk there when we're allowed to.'  It features a 'tube map for walkers' linking underground stations with London's green spaces and it's on a website called, naturally, Positive News. London's tube-inspired green spaces

Link number two comes from Kate Copeland. It's from the Guardian, and focuses on '20 ways to give purpose to your daily walk'.  The joy of steps


The Stort Valley Way - new guidebook

If you need more inspiration to plan ahead, former LDWA Chair Peter Aylmer has a new guidebook out. Peter comments:

'Briefly, I've spent lockdown checking out some of my local Essex trails - Stort Valley Way, Forest Way. Three Forests Way. None of them have up to date guidebooks and I thought that ought to be put right. The SVW is the first to appear and the Forest Way will follow next month. They will be available through my website Trailman - Trailman  - this has been fully revamped too - and in due course local bookshops etc. Each will have a full route description, transport etc. details, professionally drawn 1;50,000 maps, and colour photographs, 

'The regular price is £6 inc p&p but just for you (and a few selected others) there's a £2 offer with the code FH48Z9JD.'



stort valley way cover


And finally...

I'd like to claim credit for the photo below - Morty and I often walk past here - but this one is from the Twitter account @running_past that features South East London's history and landscape. The photographer and blogger hasn't put his name to it, so will have to remain anonymous, but there are plenty more interesting photos of the local green spaces. If you have a Twitter account, it's worth a browse. 


sundown over blackheath

Blackheath, sundown



London LDWA - http://www.ldwa.org.uk/London