Propose an item for the AGM agenda/nominate a new committee member

Propose an item for the AGM agenda/nominate a new committee member

London LDWA

Hi!  I do hope you will be able to come to the AGM on Wednesday 21st February.  Doors open at 18.00 and we will start the meeting at 18.30.

It would help me a lot if you could let me know if you intend joining us.  (See email address below)

Items for the agenda.

This is your opportunity to suggest items for the agenda.  Such items need to reach me by 19th January,(see email below) 2024 and should include the name of the proposer and seconder, both of whom need to be primary members of the London Group of the LDWA.


Nominations for committee post falling vacant (Secretary, Walks Secretary, Newsletter Editor, Social Secretary and Founders’ Challenge Organiser) need to be with me by Tuesday, 6th February, 2024.   Nominations need to have a proposer and seconder, both of whom are primary members of London LDWA group.

The document detailing what each of these roles entail is attached. Please send all communications to

We’ll be serving tea, coffee and biscuits at the meeting (please no alcohol).  In the best of traditions we will be moving on to a nearby pub immediately afterwards.  Again, it would be helpful if you would message me, on the above email address, if you would like to be part of the pub party.  I estimate the pub session will begin at 20.15. 

 Here are instructions as to how to get to our meeting place – Church of Scotland in Crown Court, off Russell St, Covent Garden London WC2B 5EZ. 

Although the official address is given as Russell Street, the entrance is, in fact from Crown Court which is part of a small web of passageways between the Royal Opera House and the Fortune Theatre.  The easiest way to find it is to walk north east up Russell Street.  When you reach the Fortune Theatre, turn left into Crown Court and the church is a few metres up on the left.  The second door has a bell push on it which you should use.  We will be meeting in the large basement room.  

The nearest tube stations are Covent Garden and Holborn.     

All the very best, Minna (London Group Secretary)

Secretary  to consult with other committee members as to the dates of committee meetings.  To remind members of upcoming meetings and to circulate an agenda.   To prepare each agenda together with supporting documents. To record the minutes of each meeting and circulate them. With the Chair, to ensure follow up on strategies agreed in each meeting. To arrange the Annual General Meeting and issue appropriate papers and notices.  

 Newsletter Editor To prepare a brief weekly newsletter that advertises the group activities in the coming week, and activities organized by other groups that would be of interest to our members.  The newsletter also reflects on recent group activities or those of members and on items of mutual interest. To circulate this to all members.

Social Secretary to organize additional activities for group members with an emphasis on socializing or weekends away for two or more days of walking in a particular area.

 Founders’ Challenge Organiser To plan and run the annual Founders’ Challenge event. To prepare a budget and submit this to the Committee. To recruit the necessary volunteers to run the event, to organize the necessary venues for the start and finish of the event and the checkpoints.  To source the necessary materials to run the event.  To report to the Committee after the event.

Walks Secretary - to liaise with walk leaders and in conjunction with them to organize a programme of walks for members of the group.  In conjunction with the webmaster and the newsletter editor, to advertise that programme.

London LDWA -