Melmerby Ridgeline April 2022

A sparkling, but chilly day saw us heading up from Melmerby to complete the ridgeline over Melmerby Fell, Fiend's Fell and Black Fell.  It was certainly a day for many layers of clothing, mostly all kept on all day, but very invigorating and enjoyed by a large turnout.  Snow still on the ground in April is quite unusual these days in the Lakes and we enjoyed it very much.  

Smart house in MelmerbyGathering for the start

Regrouping on the fellsideArriving at Knapside Hill

On Melmerby FellVery chilly over on Cross Fell

Climbing towards Fiend's FellOn Fiend's Fell

Over the Fence and then down from Black Fell  Crossing Loo Gill

A beautiful horse at the end of our walk