Morecambe & Brown - Thurs 3 May 2018

Leader: Peter Simon

Thirteen humans and one dog turned up at Wheathampstead to walk a circuit of 15 miles via Peters Green, the southern boundary fence of Luton Airport and the Upper Lea Valley Way through Harpenden.
The weather was bright and warm.  Lunch was eaten at the 15th century ruin of Someries Castle, with views into the airport.  At the spot on the ULVW where the views of the Luton Hoo gardens are best,
we stopped at a memorial to Eric Morecambe and Lancelot Brown, hence the title of the walk “Morecambe & Brown”.  The comedian Eric Morecambe was a long-time resident of Harpenden and director of
Luton Town Football Club.  Brown, best known by the sobriquet “Capability”, was the landscaper who laid out the gardens at Luton Hoo, a private estate (now the site of a hotel) that is off limits to the public.


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